Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

New Life Style diseases include obesity,diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and a plethora of mental disorders like depression. Overweight due to over consumption of fats and carbohydrates is resultant of sedative life style.The Chennai(India) based World Noni Research Foundation has formulated and is propagating TEN COMMANDMENTS to manage new life style diseases.1) Meditate and exercise 2) Eat moderate 3) Go vegetarian 4) Manage water intake 5) Eat 3 hours before sleep 6) Check your words 7) Vibrate Love 8) Live Gratitude 9) Care Mother Earth and 10) Manage your stress are a few tips. At the instance of India United Nations has declared 21 June as International Day for Yoga.Yoga takes care both body and mind. At food front crops like Amaranth and Quinoa are recommended for healthy body. Amaranth is a grain cum leaf vegetables with balanced nutrient content. A review on Amaranth is available in the series FUTURE CROPS published by Astra International Pvt Ltd New Delhi ( Another series EVOLUTION OF HORTICULTURAL CROPS Vol.I also carries a nutritional review on Amaranth. Consumption of leaf vegetables like spinach,lettuce,celery, cabbages, beat leaf and drum stick leaf is recommended for obese people. Sedentary life style can be broken by occassional exercises and brisk morning walks.