Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Urban farming is expanding in many cities and towns to produce part of the foods, particularly fresh vegetables and fruits, that we consume. My friend Dr. S.P. Periaswamy and I, along a few other friends, are promoting home gardening including roof-top gardening and micro-greens (Word.docx attached) in Coimbatore, India. On third Sunday each month at 15:30-17:00 hours, We provide training on planting media, soil-manure-fertilizer-filler mix, seed and seedling management, nutrient use, watering and moisture management, ecological pest management, and harvest procedures and use of the fresh produce. We provide this training free of cost to participants with a view to promote home gardening and provision of pesticide-free fresh vegatables and fruits to family members, particularly children. About 25 to 30 people, of whom 60-70% are women, participate in this training. Among the participants there are organic production enthusiasts, rational producers with organic and fertilizer nutrient sources, and others who use fertilizers and other input to produce for local markets. This forum also promotes exchange of ideas and experiences from among the participants. We have conducted 7 sessions until 19th June 2016. We are happy that the response is good even after 7 sessions.