Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear FSN Forum,

Attached is a presentation introducing the Alliance for Food & Health (AFH), a new platform to address food and health issues.  The purpose of AFH is to suggest actionable, innovative and effective polices and initiatives by facilitating collaboration between diverse stakeholders, including NGOs, governments, academia, the public health and medical communities and the food and agriculture industry.  The creation of thought leadership drawn from highly diverse participants is a unique value-add of AFH since its breadth may allow it to create new ideas that could influence policy and other commitments in unique ways.  If implemented, this joined-up thinking could significantly improve global health outcomes.

Eric B. Trachtenberg

Director, Food & Agriculture Sector | McLarty Associates

900 Seventeenth Street, N.W., Suite 800 | Washington, DC  20006