Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

M.K.Gandhi "Father of Indian Nation" advocated and practiced fasting as a method of body and mind care. Christians abstain from meat eating every Friday and conduct full fasting on Good Friday every year. There is full vegetarianism practiced for 50 days prior to Easter and 20 days prior to Christmas. Muslims do fasting 30 days prior to Eid ul Fatr. Hindus fast on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Fasting is done as penance in all most all religions. 21st June is now celebrated as International Day of Yoga. Yoga is the most ideal way of managing obesity and overweight. Walking early morning is catching up in cities and towns where there are gardens and walk ways.

Awareness creation among mothers is very vital. Habit of home cooking is getting affected and cooked food from restaurants are being served. Edible oil heated many times are used to the illhealth of consumers. Food and Nutrition Education need to be imparted.