Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

As per the given topic, In South region of Asia women play a dominant role in child care, nourishment of their children and better production, and also have role in livestock production and management activities. In dairy production, women account for about 93% of total employment, almost always unwaged, because she need dairy byproducts for their children growth and better health. Rural women engage in cutting fodder, cleaning livestock, managing sheds and watering and milking animals. Despite their significant involvement, women’s contributions to livestock production and management are undervalued. As women’s livestock management work is unpaid it is not considered worthy of investment. Despite the government’s 2007 Livestock Development policy, which focuses on the training and capacity building of women in livestock management. Within the household, women lack access to information that could help lead to balanced diets for their kids, because for rural women livestock is main source of complete diet (milk) for their children. so, Improved dairy management techniques could help women address poverty, as well as improve their own health, their families, their children diet and position in communities.

According to ground realities regarding our south Asia Region, the empowerment of women at village level is not imaginary thoughts, it is achievable task. To empower the women through provision of productive assets to vulnerable and deserving women at village level and better production from productive assets will support to their families nutrition and children health to utilise products and generate income. The beneficiary vulnerable women would be self-sustained by milk production for self-consumption and sale to generate income. Income from the sale of male calves will be utilised to run livelihood expanses, better family nutrition,and  improved children health. 

Challenge: The main focused challenge is to involve men at village level and conduct capacity building training of men and women both through gender prospective view to achieve task of women empowerment in agriculture sector.   

Dr.Muhammad Haseeb                   

PLAN international Pakistan.

Rural Women Economic Empowerment through enhanced participation in dairy sector Project, 

Vehari Office, Pakistan.


Contact No.  +92 334 6758606