Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

In an era of virtual advancement eating healthy food has become a highly stressed upon issue because of increasing cases of malnutrition. Despite the fact, that deficiencies of macronutrients have been studied for decades, it has come to the point of focus that the deficiencies of micronutrients is also of great concern not only in underdeveloped countries but also in highly developed societies. In Pakistan only, the mortality rate of children under five is 89 per 1,000 live births just because of micronutrient deficiencies. Today every consumer prefers healthy yet convenient food products which contribute to an overall nutritious diet. Food manufacturers have responded by creating innovative products such as dietary, modified or functional foods. In addition to being nutritious, functional foods also provide the consumer with a health benefit and are expected to become a major growth sector. It is important to introduce value added products in market on cheaper prices so that people from all family backgrounds can avail these products and overcome micronutrient deficiencies and hidden hunger