Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Do  we  need evolution or revolution? MAPEX is an effective tool with the potential to make a significant contribution in the area of development assistance. A global partnership for development rooted in a commitment to excellence, thanks to MAPEX, would be truly innovative.

MAPEX, a methodology for excellence in project management, places good governance at the  heart of  sustainable and balanced development for  all. Action should no longer be taken in haste, but rather on the basis  of a real strategy of excellence for sustainable development. Actions should not be based on generosity alone; they should be well founded and intelligible, while remaining people -centred. We are at the dawning of a new era of partnership reflecting values and common sense.  One  way  to  explain  this  is  through  the  example  of  climate  change. The consequences of the actions of so -called developed countries are extremely harmful for populations, in particular the most vulnerable ones. Companies from so -called developed countries cut down trees that represented the livelihoods of local people, without replanting them. Consequently, even if development assistance is provided, it is irrelevant in the face of those companies ’ actions. If there are no trees left on the Earth, how will the peoples of either the North or the South breathe or live? None will be spared. It must be emphasized that climate change has devastating consequences, such  as rising sea levels,  melting ice,  disease, hurricanes and  the death of animals, that affect everyone.

We must therefore work together to ensure that actions are taken in the form of projects. We must all see ourselves as stewards of the Earth and act to protect it. To do so, we must move forward together, being sure to include the most deprived in particular. The goal is to live in a world that provides prosperity for all. Therefore, actions must be devised in terms of projects. That involves considering the life cycle of a project, which comprises several stages: design, implement ation and evaluation. When  doing  so,  it  is  desirable  to  focus  more  on  preventive  measures  than  on curative   ones.   We   have   therefore  carried   out   upstream   work   to   develop   a methodology that strengthens the first stage of the project: the design. Why? The reason is simple: when a project is well designed from the beginning, it has every chance of success. We offer a toolkit that makes it possible to take better -informed decisions concerning assistance. More than a simple assistance application, what is needed is a process for developing true projects of excellence. That involves taking the time to select and prepare actions in accordance with strict eligibility criteria and conditionalities.