Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

M. Samuel Oriala

Farm Management Center, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria

In the face of the seeming insurmountable challenges to sustainable food security in Nigeria, the following measures could suffice to ameliorate and save mankind from the pump of hunger in the next decade:
1) Improve smallholder productivity and market access. Investment should be sealed up to improve access to inputs such as seeds, fertilizer, financial and extension services as well as rural infrastructure including irrigation.
2) Promotion of productive social safety nets; This should be done to offset the impact of shocks, secure basic livelihoods and protect poor people from risk and vulnerability. Social safety nets have protective, preventives, promotional and transformational functions with different objectives.
3) Harmonization of food security and sustainablility policy.
4) Keep trade open: Government should eliminate existing harmful trade restrictions and refrain from newly imposed ones so as to reduce food price volatility and enhance the efficiency of agricultural markets.
In conclusion, strong economic performance is not in conflict with great environmental performance. Through innovation Nigerian can achieve agricultural sustainability and food security which in turn ameliorate the rate of poverty and malnutrition.