Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

The activities that I know that successfully promote pollinator insects in my area are:

1.      Flowering plants  that are coming out at different times of the year

2.      A variety of crops that are grown in the fields and gardens

3.      Agroforestry practices in my area where we have macadamia being grown in maize fields

4.      Growing of perennial and annual plants that provide food for the insects

5.      Ridging and leaving other areas fallow where insects can nest

6.      Conservation farming where the land at times is not tilled as this will disturb the underground nests of the insects

7.      Use of integrated pests management systems in farming

What needs to be done to encourage pollinator friendly practices?

1.      Awareness programs to be intensified in the communities

2.      Stop the wild fires in the communities that destroys vegetation and the habitats of insects

3.       Stop deforestation that destroys the habitat of pollinators as well as the food source

4.      Encourage people to start projects such as beekeeping so that they conserve forests and vegetation areas

5.      Encourage communities to carry out conservation and organic faming

6.      Establishing nurseries of multipurpose trees and plants in the community

7.      Minimize the use of chemicals

What training, support or information do we require?

1.      The community will need more awareness training on the importance of pollinators to our lives. This will have to cover the whole of my community and must be driven by the citizens themselves.

2.      Raising of tree and plants seedlings that can be planted to increase the food and habitat base for pollinators. This needs funding.

3.      Community members to start on beekeeping project (inclusive of women and youths). This call for little start- up capital to support this project.

4.      Government alone cannot address this. Communities must be engaged to participate and they must be motivated to take part through incentives such as starting projects like beekeeping.