Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

AEAS can effectively promote gender equality by enhancing their role in Producer Organizations (POs), Self Help Groups (SHGs), Dairy Cooperatives. In India, women dairy cooperatives and SHGs are some good examples where women could participate and develop confidence by engaging themselves in economic activities. The AEAS can think of making women aware about the role of POs, Cooperatives and  SHGs in empowering them.…

Taking a thread from Edye Kuyper's  comment on role of youth vis a vis AEAS, I am encouraged to share my blog posts at YPARD & AESA which speak how AEAS can engage more with youth - who are the future farmers. When we say youth, we should mean both men & women - normally in farming context in developing countries like India, often we relate only men with farming. This mindset has its manifestations at different levels and AEAS are no exception who often approach elderly male of the households to share information and services.

1. The Extension and Advisory Services (EAS) shouldn’t ignore youth, anymore!…

2. Mentoring rural youth to make agriculture attractive.…

3. 15 July: It’s WORLD YOUTH SKILLS DAY Today.…

4. Youth: Potential Target For Agricultural Extension.…

When youth are targeted by AEAS for changing the mindset including for the issues like gender equality and improved nutrition dividends are likely to be more!