Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

M. Byansi Hamidu

School of Agricultural Sciences, Makerere University. BIANS COPAS. Co.

I am Byansi Hamidu, doing BSc. agriculture, Makerere University, Uganda.

1.The current challenge that most girls face is their circumcision, in kiswahili, "UKEKETAJI" mostly in my home country, Tanzania by some tribes.

2. They too don't get access to quality education, an example is those in my village, Kyerwa, Kagera region, Tanzania, since most men unlike my Father, believe that educating a girl child is wastage of funds.

3. Women in this area lack still access to agricultural resources, no control over some resources and mostly are tortured still.

These challenges are faced most by poor, non-educated, non-political ladies and mostly those young girls who are forced in to marriage before the accepted age.

Those who have moved forward and have become successful, it's mainly because their husbands are already in that area like politics maybe. Others have some resources that others lack, that allow them improve their entrepreneurial skills hence succeed than others.

Policy makers should put in to consideration some of these gender issues. Extension services should reach those girls and women deep in villages and schools, let them know that WITHOUT THEM, THERE'S NO WORLD hence identify their importance in society. Encourage them to get involved in Agricultural activities mostly as groups, this shall make their voice to be heard.

The problem with the private sector, they tend to use men to solve women problems and focus on the so called Technical Know Who!

As we approach 2020, due to increasing opportunities in agribusiness, let the women be encouraged to engage in this venture, let them begin as small groups determined to make a change, policy makers should include women in this process, trust me, there shall be a significant change in their lives.

Set a thief to catch a thief, let women be allowed to look in to women challenges and offer solutions not men. Extension services should move to schools and let this begin with young girls, let them know how important they are to the society, let them be given what they need.

Currently, this issue of Sanitary Pads has spread all over Africa, if this challenge is dealt with, a girl's education can improve, her voice can be heard and this improves the nation, as the swahili saying goes, "Kumsomesha msichana, ni ku elimisha taifa".


Byansi Hamidu