Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear Justin and all,

Thanks for putting up this briliant idea up.

I think basicially, what the challenges are borders on

(1)The lack of follow up after the capacity building excercise, like coming up with some post-activities.

(2) The inability to address the key issues that were raised by all the stakeholders durying the capacity development initiatives.

(3)Inability to implement some of the recommendations on the key challenges that were proffered.

(4) Funds Funds Funds! This is a general challenge but the honest truth in my opinion is, lack of access to funding for small start-ups and small holder young farmers. The capacity building initiatives is a brilliant and laudable idea but no matter how great the idea is, if their is no access to funding,then the excercise won't have much impact.