Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

in response to question3 : What post-capacity development support do the youth need? What can the youth do to support each other in developing their skills and capacities?

In my opinion, the fundamental post-capacity development support our youths require is finance. If our youth could obtained a financial support, am sure the issue of unemployment in Nigeria will become a history. In Kano Kano State for example, majority of our farmers especially youth, can play a role of extension agent in other states due to series of trainings they undergone. They have the skills of agricultural entrepreneurship, but capital is the major impediment. If our youth obtained capital they will establish a business, by doing so, they can support each other by sharing ideas and engaging their friends in one activity or the other, and that can reduce unemployment in the country. And also, when our youth established business, they will serve as subject of emulation in the society.