Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

1) My SIDS Region is AIMS.

2) Examples of action that are undertaking to reduce poverty, food insecurity and nutrition challenges in response to climate change and climate related events are:

  • Established Disaster Management Policy for Zanzibar, a Disaster Management Commission/Department, and an Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan.
  • Socio-economic scenarios

Future socio-economic development needs to be considered alongside the future impacts of climate, because these changes – such as population growth, the size of the economy, land-use development - will affect the potential size of future climate impacts (e.g. the number of people potentially affected, the number of people living in flood zones, etc.).

  • Climate Screening MKUZA II

This considers how climate resilient existing plans are, identifies any changes that are needed, and can assess whether existing plans are taking advantage of the potential opportunities for low carbon or adaptation finance.

  • Implementation of Home School Feeding Program. This program implemented in schools that have the Most Vulnerable Children. In this program the children are given millet porridge and yellow sweet potatoes with vegetables.
  • Implemented MWANZO BORA PROGRAM at the selected Districts. This program implemented at selected Districts based on children under malnutrition and their parents are in poor household income. In this program the selected households have given knowledge on capacity building focusing on food security and nutrition. Also they provided capital for establishment of vegetable home garden. 

3) The lesson drawn are:

  • More effort is needed to be practiced in the issue of climate change and climate change related events in order to ensure that we can minimize the poverty and food insecurity in all level.
  • There is shortage of knowledge to the community regarding to the climate change, food insecurity and nutrition particularly at rural areas.
  • The strong and close collaboration is needed between climate change stakeholders and community focusing all issues regarding to climate change, poverty and food insecurity.
  • Up to now most people unable to understood the correct time for practice agricultural activities related to climate change.

4) The challenges that faces in reducing the poverty and inequalities and building the adaptive capacity of the poor and vulnerable to climate change and climate-related events are:

  • High number of poor and vulnerable children who need close assistant, services including basic need and social services.
  • Lack of awareness and insight to the community particularly for climate changes events.
  • Shortage of commitment for leader in all level, there is no special strategies that indicated how they take action on all matter concern the climate events, poverty and vulnerability.
  • Shortage of financial.
  • Lack of equipment such as motor cycles or vehicles.
  • Poor infrastructure especial at rural areas.

5. a) The World can learn the following from my experiences:

  • A participatory approach is very important in introducing and solving the issues of poverty, food insecurity of climate change and climate-related events.
  • Involvement of all stakeholders is all level is very important in addressing the issue of poverty, food insecurity nutrition climate change and climate-related events.
  • Knowledge on food security, nutrition and climate change and climate-related events is still needed in the community.
  • The poverty line in Zanzibar is 30.4% where most of these people found in rural areas.
  • There is shortage of forecast knowledge to the most people in the community regarding to climate change and food security.

b) The possible pathways and good practice that I can recommend to follow when addressing poverty, food security and nutrition in the context of the climate change and climate-related events:-

  • Providing capacity building to the community.
  • Enhancing institutional support networks.
  • Increasing household food production to the community.
  • Increasing food trade and market chain.
  • Increasing income opportunities to the community.
  • Educate people on climate change related to food security.

The questions are clear and will trigger peoples’ interest and participation.