Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Despite the topic addresses water scarcity in agriculture, in some places like in the north Coast of Colombia climate change implies water excess during the rainy season, and deficit during the dry one. Under these conditions, the Zenu tribe developed an efficient way to deal and take advantage of water excess during the rainy season, and reduce water scarcity during the dry one. They created a network of canals perpendicular to the main rivers. This network was formed by long and short canals that reduced water speed during the rainy season and lead the water to lower areas where there were crops and where they kept fisheries. The water brought sediments that improved soils fertility. This system also allowed to convey water to areas far away from the main streams, and helped to keep them wet during the whole year. It is a shame I could not find many resources in English, however you can take a look at what they did in: