Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Dear Mr Isingoma,

Thank you for your comments and the positive response to the proposed Fertilizer Code of Conduct, particularly in relation to its function in helping rural people dependant on agriculture. Regarding your comment on formulating quantitative topics on fertilizer applications within the document, the Fertilizer Code itself will not provide recommendations as such. To support governments and institutions to implement the Fertilizer Code, we intend to develop a toolkit of examples, guidelines and other materials to help formulate fertilizer management policies and assist in making decisions for specific fertilizer management practices. Thank you for highlighting this issue.

Dear Prof. Minggang Xu,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to our request for comments on the Fertilizer Code of Conduct. Regarding combining chemical fertilizers with manure to increase fertilizer use efficiency, we had hoped to convey this concept by highlighting and advocating for Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) practices within the Code. We will certainly look at the current text in the document to ensure that the message is clear. To support governments and institutions to implement the Fertilizer Code, we intend to develop a toolkit of examples, guidelines and other materials to help formulate fertilizer management policies and assist in making decisions for specific fertilizer management practices.

Dear Mr. Chinasa Ikelu,

Thank you for your helpful comments towards improving the Fertilizer Code of Conduct, particularly in addressing the issue of how to use technology to reach rural farmers in hard-to-reach areas. Thank you also for pointing out some areas with repetitions and redundancies, particularly in Section 8. We will certainly consider your comments when we are refining the document.

Dear Mr Edson Cagape,

Indeed, our intention with the Fertilizer Code of Conduct, along with many other initiatives in FAO, is to help preserve the environment and its biodiversity while promoting sustainable agriculture.

And, thank you for your second post highlighting your concern for, and the importance of, the health and safety aspects of fertilizers.

Dear Dr. Adalberto Benavides-Mendoza,

Your positive comments regarding the necessity of a Fertilizer Code of Conduct at this moment are indeed encouraging. Your comments provided within the text of the document will be considered when revising the current draft. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to its development.

Dear Mr. Alejandro Silva,

Your comments on the Fertilizer Code of Conduct are gratefully received.

Regarding the ‘how to do’. Again, we reiterate that we intend to support the Code with a toolkit of good policy and fertilizer management guidelines and examples which will certainly provide more specific guidance to policy makers, the fertilizer industry, advisory services and farmers on ‘how to do’.

Regarding the monitoring aspect, we will certainly take on board your comments as well as those of others to help improve the monitoring chapter of the Code.

Your point about integrating Sections 3 and 4 will also be considered, or alternatively to adjust these two sections so that there is clearer distinctions between the two.

Dear Ms Bak,

Thank you for taking the time to review the Fertilizer Code of Conduct and for your comments regarding the relevance of addressing potential impacts on human rights such as the right to adequate food and health, and that certain groups such as children, pregnant women and consumers could be subject to elevated risks associated with fertilizer use and management. We will certainly consider your comments and refer to the UN Special Procedures to help improve the Fertilizer Code of Conduct where appropriate and apt.

Dear Mr Carl Wahl,

Your comments on how to improve the Fertilizer Code of Conduct are indeed much appreciated, particularly concerning strengthening the point or topic of soil conditions that affect fertilizer applications, e.g. acidity and alkalinity and the use of soil conditioning agents such as lime. This point has also been raised by others and will be considered in the draft revision or addressed accordingly.

In addition, your recommendation to produce a simplified Code specific to iNGOs is also noted.

Dear Ms Audrey Pomier Flobinus,

Thank you for your positive comments regarding the benefits and use of the Fertilizer Code of Conduct and its potential to harmonize agricultural practices regarding the safety of products and fair market for all farmers, as well as in providing reassurance to the world population that agricultural practices are conscious of the environment and human health.

Dear Mr Mykola Miroshnychenko,

Thank you for your specific comments regarding the definition of fertilizer, and on adding an extra article to Section 3.5. Your suggestions will be taken into consideration when revising the draft Fertilizer Code of Conduct.

Dear Dr Deren Chu,

In your capacity as an expert on standards for fertilizer analysis techniques your comments regarding this topic are much appreciated. We will certainly follow your advice and look into the existing ISO standards.

Thank you also for your encouraging words highlighting that in China, multiple government institutions and ministries could benefit from this code as well as the end users, i.e. farmers.

Dear Ms Jaana Kaipainen,

Thank you very much for kindly contributing to improving the Fertilizer Code of Conduct with your specific recommendations and comments within the document, particularly regarding some of the terms and definitions and on other potential sources of contaminants in fertilizer products, namely organic substances, micro- and nanoplastics. These and other suggestions will be certainly be considered in the revision of the Fertilizer Code.

Dear Dr Robert Norton,

Thank you for your affirmation that the Fertilizer Code of Conduct is very important. Indeed, the issue of recycling nutrients and developing circular economies is a big challenge due to the temporal and spatial separation of where and when food is produced and consumed. However, there is an effort in a number of countries and regions to recycle nutrients from urban waste. In agricultural settings, there are also many examples and further opportunities to recycle nutrients at various scales. Therefore, we have included recycling nutrients within the Code along with the use of mineral fertilizers. When we give examples of certain nutrient recycling practices, we do not intend to suggest that they will provide all nutrients and replace mineral fertilizers, but rather that they be used where appropriate. Our intention is to support the advocacy and use of these techniques with technical materials and policy guidelines for assistance in implementation of the Code, and that are based on scientifically sound evidence.

Dear Ms. Madeleine Kaufmann,

Thank you for your contributions on behalf of you and your colleagues at the Federal Office for Agriculture Switzerland. Your inputs and comments will be indeed be helpful for revising the Fertilizer Code of Conduct as well as in providing further comments to the Committee on Agriculture in October when the Code will be presented to FAO member countries.