Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Without having read the document in detail, the report has a relatively logic structure and broad attention relevant to be able to take up dialogue on sustainable food systems. A couple of subjects that could potentially deserve more attention in the document as part of future trends and what is currently challenging sustainability and providing opportunities are suggested below.

  • Fragility, crisis and climate change: These should not be seen as isolated phenomena but part of system effects. They are all induced by human behavior and influence each other including the resilience of any food system. Conflict, displacement and economic collapse are a risk to the ability transition and building sustainable food systems. The combination is a major risk to the planetary thresholds/boundaries and can therefore impact food systems that are globally integrated with each other.
  • Novel foods and production systems (both industrial and family farm level): These can/already provide opportunities for a shift in the availability of new types of food and feed (e.g. seaweeds, algae, insects for food & feed, aqua/hydroponics etc.). As these can contribute to the transformation of unsustainable practices towards more sustainable food systems that are more fit for a world of rapid change they should have an increased attention as part of defining/describing what is/can be contributing to different types of sustainable food systems.