Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Good evening from Kenya. This is Mary Mwema a youth Agricultural Resource Manager.

While most agricultural stakeholders have an indepth understanding of digital agricultural practices, the key stakeholder and end user-farmer-barely engages in the awareness and formation of such features.

Farmers, especially in developing countries like ours, need to be capacity built through extension information on aspects key in infusing digital technologies. Precision agriculture, use of georeferencing and other aspects of digitizing agribusiness will only be jargon to a farmer who is still stuck to observing weather patterns and not keen on keeping farm records. The farmers might not adopt the digital agricultural practices as they deem them too complex to use. The youths can help in sensitizing rural communities on importance and use of digital technologies and how it ties to agriculture production.

In addition, I agree that there needs to be a scoping of the preparedness of counties to be engaged in the international platform. As local as county level in Kenya so as to adopt better practices in tandem with agroecological conditions. This will ensure effective adoption and bring out different issues in different geographies even as we adopt digitization.

Building up on well established digital platforms such as the FAO FSN and other digital farmer platforms will help synthesize a wider database of early adopters and exchange best practices.

Kind regards,

Mary Mwema