Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

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    • Thanks for invitation to join the consultation and share the ideas practiced at ground level.

      As proposed nature positive production systems and efficient value chains needs successful partnerships of smallholders collectives and value chain businesses with responsible financing investors with experienced organising CSOs which are the four major partners to build nature positive and resilient food systems at local, regional, national and global level. Theory of change and results framework includes these factors.

      Our partnership model would like to share the practices for further inclusive results in the attached file.

    • The current challanges of keeping food supply chain operational at one hand to keep the food security promises with securing the lives from spread of covid-19 infection from one area to another is the real litmus test for entire agri value chain from pre production supply inputs to production, collection, grading, transportation, storage, processing and distribution as well as delivery networks. At being a social investor of Apple value chain business in partnerships of 15 primary apple growers cooperatives in different areas of Uttrakhand himalayas and agri value chain business managers of implemented the idea to practie approach of social business for fair econimies and just societies by applying trekking software to trace the fresh apples from farm to fork…; was a positive outcome of prepartions through coopetition.

      The full cold chain solution with active participation of stakeholders bing values to all with new learnings despite the restrictions imposed sometimes but adopted most of time with feelings to overcome from the difficulties jointly with the help of others.… In our opinion the partnerships could help more in these types of difficulties than during normal time.

      In India all spaces of agriculture nd agri businesses from input supply to production, processing, transportation and storage disrupted which causes in the quality food availability to citizen and even after three months of lock down the supply chains are not oprational fully.

      Fortunatly apple in Himalayas team concluded the off season sales succefully with winning over zero infection of covid-19 despite supplying fresh apples throughout the nation and now preparing for the upcoming harvest from second week of July.

      We hope for the best on the strong base of our partnership.

      On this International CoopsDay we all partners pledged our committments for climateactions with ensuring food security to all and better livelihood to our member farmers.

      Goodluck from himalayas.

    • Annamrit farmers as owners foundation has been launched in January 2015 to build a strong partnership between producers (farmers) the growers of Annam (food), entrepreneurs (collectors, packer, distributor and value addition force to food), development cooperation organisers (coordinators and co-operators in food value chain) and investors (financers for storage, packing, quality control and handling of foods). The main role of the foundation is to attract the social investment sources of finance to build the food value chain with focused approach of producing, storing, collecting and distributing the pure and healthy food which should be as beneficial as Amrit (nectar).

      The main actors

      Collaborations between corporate sector agencies and non-profit sector actors opens up opportunities to finance the cold chain for fresh produces and other Agri value chains as partnership business models. The actors involved are mutually supportive and complementary in terms of expertise, experience, networks and access to external resources. These actors, collectively referred to in this chapter as the ‘Social Business Management Consortium’, should obviously have a shared vision on social/economic objectives as prime driver to participate in this approach. The partners that collaborate in the Apple Project can be categorised in four groups:

      • Producers: Particularly the farmer groups’ organised in Farmer Trusts or any other legal form.
      • Inclusive development actors: Particularly knowledge/training institutions, government and (international) development agencies and development cooperation sector.
      • Business partners: Experienced and social conscious entrepreneurs to manage and operate the business activities in competitive market.
      • Financial supporters: Social investors / banks and Govt. agencies. They invest in ventures with a focus on economic profits as well as social impact.

      The inter-dependant structure of the model aligns all these entities and the stakeholders to work towards a single mutually beneficial goal.