Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

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    • Great thanks to the team for the excellent job well done!!! Below are minor suggestions

      (Section-Introduction)The team might want to reduce the introduction section to one and half pages and probably provide a separate one page summary. The introduction in its current state provides both the summary and introduction.

      (Section 1) The report provides an excellent conceptual thinking of the dimensions of food security and unpacks agency which was originally assumed in availability pillar while sustainability was originally embedded in stability. Therefore, broadening the conceptual thinking of food security to the six dimensions will inform and guide better programming for food security interventions.

      (Section 2.1)The complex interrelationship of the dimensions of food security is well articulated in the report. Figures 1 and 2 on page 11 could still be re-organized as follows-agency, availability, accessibility, utilisation, stability and sustainability which will ensure the logical flow and aids theoretical and conceptual application.

      (Section 4)  potential policy pathways forward to get the global community back on the track with respect to meeting the SDG 2 targets; here, the team might want to recommend Government(s) as the mandate holders for policy implementation and monitoring, in the documentation of policies and programmes for FNS that worked better, the context in which they worked, the mechanisms that triggered success or failure for learning and scaling up successful innovations.

      (Section 5-recommendations) The team might want to include a short paragraph on unlocking the implementation challenges for FNS policies and programmes addressing some of the issues raised in (section 3 on drivers). The FAO-FIRST Programme might be having such information. The FAO-FIRST Knowledge Management Hub might also be having information regarding successful FNS policies and programmes interventions for scaling up.

      Once again, great thanks to the team!!