Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Profil des membres

M. Marco Foschini

Organisation: Confederazione Nazionale Coldiretti
Pays: Italie
Domaine(s) de spécialisation
I am working on:

Transformation of the food system, agriculture, information, role of civil society and institutions to address nutrition

Ce membre a contribué à/au:

    • Proponent

      Campagna Amica Foundation

      Main responsible entity

      Confederazione Nazionale Coldiretti – Coldiretti National Confederation


      The Italian law n.228/2001 introduced the concept of agricultural multifunctionality and allowed direct sales from farmers. The foundation “Campagna Amica” (Friendly countryside) was founded in 2009 and coordinates the activities of the project.

      Funding source

      Own resources of farmers. Furthermore farmers can invest on multifunctionality and direct sale by accessing the resources of rural development, which is a part of the Common Agricultural Policy (EU)




      With the reorganization of the large-scale retail distribution and a vision of agriculture as a simple provider of raw materials for the industry, the presence of farmers in local markets seemed a leftover from the past and was becoming increasingly marginal. But such a model began to show its limits both on the producers side, with inadequate compensation that did not cover their production costs, and consumers, forced to pay an excessive mark-up for the products on sale.

      The production’s surpluses drove the agricultural enterprises to diversify and to seek new markets as not to close down. Direct processing and sale was revalued, and a new relationship with consumers started, centered on transparency, quality, link with the local community and freshness of the products sold, at a price that is fairer for everyone. In this way, farmers managed to reach the final consumer, obtaining a more equitable remuneration for their work and improving the knowledge of their reality among consumers. In some cases, as for example in the hinterland of Rome, these farmers successfully managed to sell their products in local markets and shops of the city, but the lack of organization and self-regulation to guarantee consumers, made those initiatives fail.


      The aim of the Campagna Amica initiative is clearly to give strength and continuity to experiences that would have otherwise remained isolated and little lasting in time, by offering a comprehensive and coherent approach to direct sales, thanks to a single brand to be implemented throughout the country. A political and economic plan, built by the producers themselves and shared by the community, capable to offer: a fair price and an effective guarantee of quality and transparency of foods, the enhancement of leading products and the distinctiveness of our territories and of those who live and work there, a general growth of the heritage of our Country.

      Key characteristics of the experience/process

      Within this context, the farmers association Coldiretti promoted the creation of a self-regulated organization of producers, sharing common principles and rules for the protection of consumers and producers themselves, adhering to farmer markets: the “Fondazione Campagna Amica”. Over the years a network of farms involved in direct sales has grown, creating many Campagna Amica markets, selling genuine farm-to-table products, with transparent and fair prices. Farms that adhere to the network and want to use the brand “Campagna Amica” accept to undergo periodic checks that ensure the agricultural and Italian origin of the products sold, in order to protect and safeguard the consumer. The Campagna Amica network has become a real commercial network of more than 10,000 points of sales, including over 1,000 Campagna Amica farmers markets, almost 7,000 that on farm points of sales, more than 2,000 agritourisms and 170 Italian shops. It also brings together entities not directly linked to the agricultural world, such as no food companies and restaurants that are an integral part of the Italian value chain and ambassadors of "Made in Italy".

      Key actors involved and their role

      • Family farms and cooperatives that have converted their production to sell directly, reprocessing and rediscovering methods of production and traditional varieties.

      • Fondazione Campagna Amica, the organizational reality in which farmers gave themselves a regulation to ensure consumers, and collaboration with the local authorities, consumer organizations, schools and the civil society, in order to jointly develop the role and the purpose of this type of food production.

      Key changes observed with regards to food security and nutrition and sustainable agriculture and food systems 

      The development of Campagna Amica farmers’ markets occurred in parallel and in dialog with the spread of the "from farm to fork” idea for a more sustainable consumption that also gives attention to the working conditions at the production stage, together with nutritional campaigns on the effects of junk food, promoting the consumption of fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. All these nutritional, environmental and cultural considerations come with the citizens/consumers awareness of their power to influence the model of development that the country follows, through their purchase choices. It is also clear that Farmers Markets encourage the consumption of healthy foods and an informed consumption of traditional products, allowing the conservation and development of a network of agricultural enterprises in the suburban areas of the cities. They generate a connecting link between city and countryside, while guaranteeing biodiversity and diversification of food, involving enterprises increasingly sensitive to the protection of the environment, and often active in rural tourism.

      Challenges faced

      Over the years, many results have already been achieved, going from the creation of an economic alternative for many family farms to the creation of a new awareness among consumers. From a quantitative point of view, the number of farmers markets has significantly increased. Furthermore, a strict control system promoted by Campagna Amica ensure consumers that they will find an authentic agricultural Italian product on sale. New challenges have to be faced: Farmers Markets must become even more a meeting and exchange point for all those actors who are interested in good food, both in business (restaurants, canteens, buying groups, etc.) and cultural terms.

      Lessons/Key messages

      Even within the traditional retail system of cities, it is essential to create a space for the direct sales of food. This has positive consequences from the point of view of nutrition and environment, and for the planning of cities and their hinterland. It favors a more fruitful relationship city-countryside, creates opportunities for qualified employment in the food sector, and a closer and more equitable and inclusive relationship between consumers and producers, even in a context of "Circular Economy". The presence of farmers markets and the selling of their products in the markets, also contributes to improved behavior and sensitivity of large-scale distribution that, after a phase of obstruction, can find spaces of collaboration with farmers. The key message is the ability of organization and self-regulation of the farmers who can and intend to undertake this journey, the dialog and confrontation with the civil society that can share it and sustain it, the advocacy in public institutions and the political world.