Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Ce membre a contribué à/au:

    • Another point to consider for 3.3.2: Policy areas for discussion:

      Strong gender responsive monitoring and evaluation mechanism for gender responsive services and implementation.

      Checklists for risk assessment and risk mitigation strategies, especially at the instituional level which are mandated for service providing.

      This, however, might be applicable for all sections in 3.3.

    • Thanks for this great effort and opportunity of consultation. Below are some points for consultation:

      Comment on 3.1: women's participation, voice, and leadership in policy- and decision making at all levels:

      There are policies there which have been formulated years ago and have not considered gender issues and women actors' participation. There are experience and commitment in places in many countries for gender mainstreaming. Therefore, along with policy formulation, emphasis need to be given on policy and institutional framework review and update. And ensuring expertise and experience of actors in this field are ensured.

      Comment on 3.2: Elimination of violence and discrimination against women for improved food security and nutrition:

      Transformation in social/gender norms and stereotypes required to be an integral part of any initiatives and interventions in the sector, which is much needed to address barriers for women effective participation and being benefitted from the initiatives, but most importantly as risk mitigation strategy that the initiatives are  not reinforcing GBV or supportive norms for GBV.