Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

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    • Biodiversity means variety of lives in a certain environment, in an ecosystem one is made for another and it is important for sustainability.

      There is always a problem in everywhere but there is also the solution. In the agriculture there are many problematic pests but there are also natural enemies, antagonistic lives. These things helps in the sustainable agricultural production. If the biodiversity is disturbed than the problems starts to arise, it means we have to use the foreign tools to manage the problems than the chemical used in the production increases the cost of production and poisoned foods.

      Likewise, biodiversity is also have big role in water animals like fishes. When I was child I and my friend used to go for fishing nearby the ditches and wetlands. We used to catch many fishes but now due to the human activities like disturbing the water source by making roads, converted to the farm land and use of chemicals to catch the fish, now there is difficult to see the frogs too. Instantly we are not suffering from any kind of problems but I think the problem may arises in future. It clear impact is on those ethnic group who used to go for fishing for their livelihood and I think the impact also hits in the commercial ponds soon because they are nearby the farmland where many chemicals are used as agriculture inputs.

      Forest ecosystem greatly impacts on farm. Nowadays the predator animals like tiger, lion are killed for their body part and the number of animals like deer, boar, porcupine etc. which destroy the crops are increasing. It’s difficult to control those animals by the farmers. Every years the wild animals destroy the tons of food.

      Biodiversity should maintain for the food security and better nutrition.


    • Agriculture is only the sector having much more potential to reduce the poverty. Sustainable agriculture is one of the best form of agriculture to reduce the poverty. The rural farmers utilize the locally available resources as agricultural inputs in sustainable way without harming the eco-system. The impact of climate change have to face by the farmers. farming is the only the activity which started at first after civilization till to the date of the life on earth, that's why sustainable natural resources management is important for the eradication of poverty. As already said that the natural resources are the inputs of agriculture if the resources get imbalance then the agricultural production will be decline. The extreme poor people are really helpless they can't perform better without helping hands. In order to reduce the poverty and eliminate hunger, enough food production is necessary, for that selection of high yielding variety is necessary. The government and helping agencies should provide the support to the farmers.
      Here i'm sharing an example of my village, there were some ethnics groups. They used to cut the fire wood and supply to nearby the city. Later on the community forest talk to the people not to cut the wood and choose next option for livelihood. The people choose the agriculture for the livelihood. They start contract farming in a group. The community forest also provide support to them. Now the are doing the job nicely. The earning and the production is also good. Now they are able to send their children to school.
      This is my views/opinion about the role of agriculture in eradication poverty and eliminating hunger. Thanks