Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Profil des membres

Mme Priyanka Sanchania

Organisation: Freelance
Pays: Inde
I am working on:

Identifying quality investments which can have better social impact and profitability. I am trying to identify innovative and sustainable business models which can have industrial support , can provide better income opportunity to people dependent on it and is able to show sustainable growth on global scale.

Ce membre a contribué à/au:

    • Honey as we know have many advantages both for health of people and for crops. I believe Honey production can be increased once it is linked to industry which is into marketing and distribution of these products at large scale and have good brand value.

      In India, Dabur Honey which commands approx. 60% market share works with Beekeeping farmers in Madhya Pradesh and Bihar state. The firm trained these farmers on beekeeping thus to provide new stream of income for them and alleviate poverty.

      Dabur then sells Honey under its brand within India and other countries.

      Also as we know benefits of beekeeping on farms, we need to increase awareness of health benefits associated with eating honey in different forms.

      Firms can introduce flavoured honey which can increase its offtake to consumers depending upon local taste which a consumer would like to have along with honey.

      Once there is increase in demand of honey in consumers, the benefit will go down to industry and farms which would like to have more tie ups with beekeeping farmers.

      So the good effect will be more and more beekeeping farms and increase in benefits associated to crops and farmers.