Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Apprentissage et gestion des connaissances

Public consultations for the post-2015 development agenda on growth and employment

One of the themes on which the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) is convening public consultations for the post-2015 development agenda is growth and employment. Three e-discussions are currently taking place, on 1) growth, diversification and structural change, 2) development-led globalization and 3) sustainability and growth. Please browse the space to register and join.

Rapports et notes de synthèse

Promouvoir l'agroforesterie dans les politiques publiques – Guide pour les décideurs

Document de travail sur l’agroforesterie, no. 1 Les systèmes agroforestiers regroupent des techniques d’utilisation des terres à la fois traditionnelles et modernes où les arbres sont associés aux cultures et/ou aux systèmes d’élevage dans des milieux agricoles. Bien que ces avantages justifient l...

Online Discussion from 6-20 February: Connecting people, sharing knowledge and increasing transparency. Using online platforms to increase access to open data, share best practices for monitoring women's land rights

Given the rapid expansion of the internet and the increasing number of users, including in the global South, the full potential of online platforms for promoting inclusive consultation of issues of high global interest is certainly not yet realised. An online discussion was organised to share views and perspectives on how online platforms could be used more creatively and effectively to share experiences on a key area where information and lessons learned through various interventions from around the world are generally dispersed, that is the area of monitoring women’s land rights.

The objective of the online discussion was twofold: (a) engage a collective reflection on ways of optimising the use of online platforms in efforts to promote equitable and sustainable natural governance and social justice; and, (b) to share experiences on approaches to monitoring women’s land rights.

The discussion was running simultaneously on and across the following five platforms:

This discussion will be facilitated by the International Land Coalitions (ILC) ( Women’s Land Rights team.

New course: Linking emergency aid to food and nutrition security 15 – 26 April, 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Wageningen UR-Centre for Development Innovation is organising a new course on Linking Emergency Aid to Food and Nutrition Security. The course offers participants a chance to gain insight in the inter-disciplinary and integrated nature of food and nutrition security in an emergency setting, in particular the role of stakeholders, institutions, and innovative governance/donor interventions to build resilience. In addition, it stimulates participants to consider their own role as manager, policy maker or practitioner, making use of a wide range of principles and tools, to strengthen their interventions to make the transition from emergency towards food and nutrition security.

FSN Forum publication - Online discussions that make a difference

The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition

Online discussions that make a difference

This special publication showcases some of the FSN Forum's most significant discussions in recent years, on central topics and trends in food security, nutrition, and beyond. From food security concepts to climate change, and from street foods to global governance, see what happens when you “do knowledge sharing right”! 

Click here to download the publication

International Winter School and Forum on Contemporary Agri-food Issues

The Marie Curie Initial Training Network PUREFOOD1 project team will host a winter school and forum in Barcelona from 12-22 November. The forum will be a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary event, with the joint participation of the PUREFOOD research fellows and supervisory team, a diverse group of external Ph.D. students, and respected local and international scholars and practitioners. The forum will create an atmosphere of debate, exchange, and collaboration. The academic program will feature three distinct learning modes – expert-led discussions, peer-led paper review, and thematically integrated site visits – and will include modules oriented to some of the most prominent themes in agri-food system scholarship today.