Forum global sur la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (Forum FSN)

Profil des membres

M. Esosa Orhue

Organisation: E-Warehouse Consulting
Pays: Nigéria
I am working on:

I am currently working on 'Esosa's Project' which is mainly for children and adolescents, adults will also be a part of it. It a healthcare project.

A strong energetic professional programme/project manager, policy advocacy and analyst, a researcher, leadership development and management strategist with marketing services.

A lover of humanity with passionate mindset for goals accomplishment and an organization and nation's builder.

Ce membre a contribué à/au:


      In view of the subject above; the policy should revolve round science and technology in mitigating food insecurity and climate change. This is an essential tool in meeting the current demography witnessing in the world today. If this tech is made available for all, to access across the nations, Zero hunger and Climate change would be realized in no distance time. Agricultural science and technology is not just to promote and meeting food security globally but also to mitigate climate change globally.

      Adopting a realizable policy, a concise research development should be made available, especially in the global south that will help mitigate food crisis, waste, shortage and climate change. It is a narrative that could change the mode and concept of operation and give new meaning to agricultural sector globally. The world should leverage on ‘blended mechanize farming’ for agricultural sustainability.

      Meanwhile, there is need for the best policy to resonate and thrive locally, national and globally that will evolve best practices for national support productivity mechanism for science and technology. Subject to this effect, building resilience that fosters the demand and supply for world demography from agricultural sector, this should be look into, ‘Agri-Students in the universities and researchers’. However, the need also varies by countries, due to national interest that determines policy formulation and implementation globally and nationally. They are factored in this form;

      1.      Technical support

      2.      Funding

      3.      Research

      4.      Programme collaboration and partnership

      5.      Science and technology innovation hub etc

      Every nation knows it needs to scale-up in agricultural sector, food security in their country. Demography explosion has taken land use in the world especially in the global south causing climate change because of deforestation in these countries. It has really affected nations with little care or not for the available forest in the land. It can also be as a result of lack of implementation and technical know-how and technological defect in these nations.

      Some nations have refused to move or shift from local or traditional practice of farming (subsistence) to a more modern practice of farming which advocate for modern tools, mechanize farming that help manage the soil strength, nutrient and fertility in the area because of scientific knowledge. However, no disputing the fact of traditional farming technology which our parents practice and ensure natural food, vegetarian and produce kept human longer and healthier those days in the global world.

      But science has made known that the explosion of demography has subsumed the natural habitant for cultivation which necessitated the use of technology and mechanize farming globally that help sustain the ever glowing population in the world. This is where the issue of over emphasizing of technology and mechanize farming has harper the traditional practice (small farming) which has also driven a lot from the rural to urban settlement. The migration has become enormous that the cities are now congested, over populated because of this avert effect of science and technology that have not be well manage or practice in the global south.

      There is need to reiterate, this avert effect and call for a mixture of technology/mechanize and traditional farming that will provide for natural food, nutrient for healthy living and growth. This might sound awkward but is the fact and reality of agricultural practice in the world that affects the world today.

      In my own opinion, nations should give priority to science and technology, and traditional farming which will prioritize blended cultivation, blended farming. This will keep and secure our environment and make it healthy. It should be projected in the universities by agricultural science students, researchers and farmers for continuous innovation. Therefore, emphasis should be lay on the natural plantation that mitigates climate change, thereby reducing migrants from migrating from rural to urban settlement and (ie with support of government infrastructures), that boost economic resilient and prioritize national farming science and technology scale and protect the environment with little damage.

      These are policy that could strengthen national agricultural science scaling with conjunction or collaboration with FAO in nation(s). If the policy revolve round this factors that have been fertilized, it will experience a better partnership and collaboration for better management for world demography and climate change.

      Thank you.


    • Dear sir/madam,

      How can FAO better support countries in addressing governance of agrifood system transformation to make more sustainable, inclusive and resilient?

      Dear all,

      Note, these issues enumerated here are associated to all nations in the world (global south and north) but I am using my nation Nigeria now because of peculiarity now.

      1. Insecurity: Nigeria is a multi-sectoral and diverse economic to start with. However, the first point of call on FAO is the area of insecurity crisis internally. A productive economic arises on the bases of peace and security. What this means is that FAO can assist technically or otherwise in the area of curbing insecurity menace that affects the nation’s Agri-economic in the country. Support in security management and resolution of the internal crisis which is robbing the economic productivity not just the Agri-economic area alone and others. However, this is more severe in the Agri-economic, with farmers especially between farmers-herdsmen. This is a way of assuring and reassuring them that their lives and properties are safe. This will therefore builds confidence in them to go on with their normal businesses and as well boost Agri-food production and raises the GDP of the country. When the security is there it will improve the country’s revenue especially in middle belt states in the country. It will reposition the government strength and ability and compliment the responses so far made by Nigerian's government. Again, results will be extended, even in other areas. This notwithstanding, it may be difficult for FAO because of the area it function and decision pertinent to peace and security in international community. Nevertheless, she can channel her action through UN Security Council on this subject matter. This will create good relationship and synergy with this organ in UN structure to carry their intervention activities in conflict resolution area with nations affected in the area of Agri-economic. This is a link created to support nations in conflict like this internally but Nigeria as a first point. What affect internal structure of a nation can break into international community irrespective of UN structure of non-intervention of internal crisis. But when it become unbearable there should be a second thought or look of the decision, because a lot has escalated into external conflicts. Experience is the best teacher!


      2. Specific products: FAO can assist, support or help to develop, remedy and revival a country’s develop Agri-economic products that leads to job creation, GDP increase and food security in a nation. However, this can be in a partnership or collaboration with the nation in this area of products, a country is known for internally and internationally as a source of revenue for the country. For example, Nigeria is known for palm oil, rubber, groundnut, cocoa etc these will boost Nigeria GDP and help to alleviate hunger and poverty and bridge the gap of inequality between other countries. It will raise her economic equality in international community. The partnership should be enjoyed by both parties, with great cooperation and synergy of meeting SDGs equality instead of inequality in economic goals and development of nations in the world.


      3. Grant: FAO can also come in this form by assisting the local farmers with resources directly without third party involvement but solely direct intervention to local farmers in the communities. This could be in terms of financial support, fertilizers supply, farm's equipment etc to boost the confidence of local farmers and their interest in farming that will reflect in national GDP. This will really strengthen the local farmers investment in Agri-food products and the return yield would be food security within and neighbouring countries. The supply would be high since more farmers have been empowered financially and other areas. This will also lead to prices crash of products both within and in international market. Just assume Nigerians farmers are really empowered directly by the government and FAO directly, imagine the production and boost of production internally and in international market.


      4. Research: FAO can also come in to assist in the area of research, training that empower Agri-seed, best season for plantation and best soil for each seed in every nation. This means soil fertility will be an utmost priority to FAO. And the need to reduce soil diseases, crops diseases and destruction should be researched out by FAO as a way of assisting nations’ production in Agri-economic sector of nation. In other words, when a nation’s soil is known, the best product can be planted and great harvest can be made out of it at the end of harvesting time. There is a soil that grow fast and healthy in every area in nations. This can be partner with the government and other interested Agri-investors.


      5. Irrigation: FAO can also support in the area of irrigation, the area and region that lack water supply to keep farming alive in the world. This would boost a healthy and wealthy crops and harvest. This can also be a collaboration or joint ventures that can take kilometers or miles to boost the Agri-seed, crops, Agri-food and Agri-economic of the area and nation. The irrigation will change the narrative of Agri-products in that area and the country. This can be a partnership venture even with other interested Agri-investors.


      6. Technical adviser: FAO can also serve as technical adviser to any government and investors in Agri-food economic. They can support good government policies through advocacy and awareness creation. They can help to initiate a policy for the government that support the farmers business in Agri-economic. They can sponsor a programme that will change the cause of doing Agri-food business and economic. They can help to train farmers on the new technicality of Agri-food production. They can help initiate a favourable policy that support the nation’s productivity through supply and demand of Agri-products in the country and international community. They can also act through other actors especially non-state actors in the Agri-economic area like private sector, civil society organizations and NGOs to serve as a technical advisers to government and farmers in nations of the world. This is a way of supporting food security system globally. And there are other areas they can support and response to a nation’s Agri-economic.

       Thank you.

      Esosa Orhue

    • Dear Sir/Ma,

      Please find my submission to How can the hidden costs and benefits of Agrifood systems be effectively incorporated into decision-making for transformation.

      Dear all,

      A man's strength lies on what he knows and can give, most importantly when his right and benefits are protected and preserved, his goodwill is made known. This is the essence of sustainability! However, there is more to this discourse if there is no preservation and protection of ideas and discoveries of products which lead to hidden costs and inclusive and incorporation of decisions into food systems transformation becomes difficult to achieve. In other words, it might seems to be excluded when right is not included in the transformation but if inclusive right is a watchdog everyone will benefit and be willing to contribute to the transformation system. This is solely decision of incorporation of the system itself that gives right to benefactors and beneficiaries in the food systems globally. The decision of the body is paramount to the transformation of Agrifood systems.

      This is not just Agrifood alone but even in other areas of life. It is the reason why some important discoveries of Agrifood systems whether in mechanize farming production or subsistence farming production are hidden, what they crave and ask for most of the time is right of protection and preservation of ideas and discoveries which lead to Agrifood transformation. What this means is that the hidden costs varies, first to the producers’ benefits, second to the consumers’ benefits which is likely not considered most of the time. The issues remain that they can't be fully known if their rights are not protected or preserved because of the benefits accrue in it. In other words, there should be a strong network at the local and national levels to create awareness of the benefits if known and this will help in monitoring and evaluating the input and effect of the decision-making body for a true transformation. And once this is done, incorporated in various levels, at the local, national and international there would be a policy sustainability in the Agrifood systems. At this time the local, national and international Agrifood farmers and non are sure of what they know and can bring to the table because of policy guidelines (right of preservation and protection). This can be term 'policy sustainability' of the Agrifood food system.

      Meanwhile, at this point the effect and important become multiplied, thereby leading to more transformation in the Agricultural and food sector production. When the ideas and benefits are protected and preserved, the tendency of hidden costs are minimized to the safety of Agrifood systems benefits. However, there is need for protection and preservation of rights and benefits which is mainly the action for sustainability of whatever is being found or discovered to the benefit to humanity. Invariably, this transforms human race through Agrifood systems whether in addition to Agrifood or, is addition to human race on earth.

      Nevertheless, incorporating benefits into decisions making is what sustains the effectiveness and the benefit multiplication. Some Agrifood farmers and non-farmers wish to see the security guaranteed first before making an important input in the cause of food system security. When this is actually guaranteed, they are sure of their parts that will impact the world positively and brings the needed transformation without hidden cost. Then the hidden costs would have been reduced or minimized drastically. Incorporating the benefits become policy sustainability to them, that is, whatever the benefits are become sustained because of the decision making process that drew the reality of it and for it, will transform generations.

      This is why it needs to be localize, nationalize and internationalize in every state or nation for true incorporation and inclusiveness of all for transformation of food systems in the world, thereby reducing hunger and poverty across the nations. Protection and preservation are keys to transformation for it and for them to be sustain and benefit to all in the world.

      Thank you.



    • Dear all,

      Conceptualizing this discourse is paramount to the actualization of food security globally both in the urban and peri-urban or rural areas in any nation of the world. The strength which this will galvanize, garnish the food system transformation in this context of urbanization and rural will give the needed desire to food security across the globe. This is why we are advocating for conducive atmosphere and environment that will foster food security especially the states actors for the non-state actors to build on as the foundation in order to thrive successfully.

      However, whether urban, peri-urban or rural areas, they can only be classify as one in this context, because of who they deal with ‘human beings’ which are the mechanism to which this can be done, actualize and at the same time the beneficiaries of this food security system in the world, irrespective of population, intellectual capacity differences. In other words, the givers and takers are both humans. I would not want to categorize them into class as urban or peri-urban or rural because of human involve. On a nutshell, the most important point in the discourse is how their needs can be meant and contribution and observation be seen, accepted and taken seriously that will lead to transformation is my utmost delight in this.

      For example, the global south majorly rely on the rural farmers for production for survival, this is why I removed the classification method. However, if this is true in the global south, there is high demand and tendency to see the two involve as one and their needs and demands and treated as same for high production for food security except otherwise. Considering infrastructures which enhance food production, and this is basically and practically lacking in the rural that could had strengthened their production if them were there, which the urban has and had not yielded nor increase the food production for food security. Invariably, concentrating development in the urban areas alone has not help these farmers to grow nor increased their products in order to salvage the demand of food security in the world. For example, the national security menace in Nigeria which has affected productions and GDP of Agrifood in the country is mainly rural conflicts between farmers-herdsmen. The attacks are not on the urban areas but rural dwellers, which is just one of the concern issues to mention. In other words, there is need to look inward at the trajectory of development of urban and rural development that will bring inclusiveness, not concentrating on one and leaving the other and allowing the primary need of human to suffer. This has really affected the outcome of production, food security in the urban and the rural. Note, this is not just food security alone but other sectors.

      Meanwhile, this misunderstanding of development, without prioritizing the need and those involve have led to rural-urban drift, were farmers have migrated to the cities and thereby becoming redundant to the society because of mis-prioritizing which policy makers of governance has refused to know, understand and taken lessons or learn from. The purpose of transformation is change, when a change occurs or made, definitely there would be transformation in the existence of human in that locality resulting to better living, ways of lives and doing things. And this calls for total change on policy making for policy makers on the principle of governance especially in the global south. That infrastructural needs are not negotiable nor basically the needs of urban dwellers alone also rural dwellers to see even distribution of food system in order to up-scale agricultural productions to meet food security and ensure SDG 1 and 2 is seriously meant.

      Secondly, the issue of nutrition in this context most be address from the angle of rural dwellers because of lack of dissemination of information which is as a resulting of the above mention ‘infrastructures’; the means are not there to reach them to take cognizant of malnutrition. And due to this, most are naive of nutrition despite the natural food at their disposal. The principle of dissemination of information which involve infrastructural development needs to be enhance. This will involve both the state actors and non-state actors, which the civil society organizations, private sector, NGOs and others would be a major players of. Dissemination will involved them and bring them to the known, where well-nourished society will evolves in the rural-urban dwellers. Advocacy for urbanization can’t cover rural dwellers nor development or strengthen food security in a nation. It most be joint effort to meet this demand of humans. Knowledge most be strengthened, production mechanism most be upgraded which involves skills enhancement. Research and programmes most be implemented for continuity and sustainability. Enlightening the rural dwellers about their health and food intake most be a priority to the global south. This will bring about good food diet that nourishes the body system for sustainability.

      Ultimately, achieving these two glaring issues in the global south food system, these principles have to be considered and taken seriously, the infrastructural development of the rural areas that meet and commensurate with the production mechanism of farmers and policy makers and advocacy.

      Secondly, the dissemination of information and advocacy on food nutrition should be made available door to door that centred on rural areas through programmes that will up-scale well nourished society.

      Finally, this call is mainly on rural areas strengthening rather than urban areas, due to the level of drifting from rural to urban areas due to infrastructures. This is also applicable to the global north. The input should be centred on the rural areas more than urban to achieve the desire goals and objectives of the food system and SDG. This is sure and affordable way to reduce and minimize rural-urban drift that affects food production and security especially in the global south and have more productions to meet for human consumption.

      Thank you.




    • Dear Sir/Ma,

      Call for inputs on the realization of the Human Right to Adequate Food

      My little contribution for the submission,

      My stake on this, is that, nobody should be excluded from adequate food system. It is a right for all not a privilege. We are all entitled to adequate and well-nourished food for healthy living. We survive on this, therefore, no discrimination! But individuals and nations must also strategies on how to meet this right in order to fulfill the purpose and objectives for continuous living on earth.

      When you look at the creatures you will see that there was enough for man but how to go about it has always been the challenges which are ‘strategies and implementation’. The strategies to employ and deploy to meet the need and adequate food system is a global concern for all the actors and non-actors in the food system economy. Despite this, there have also been modalities and solutions to this demand and shortage of supply of food for all across the globe. I would like to say that the major issue has been the migration or drift of man from Agricultural products to science and technology which is equally affecting the climate of the earth.

      History has also noted that farmers were adequately sufficient for their immediate family before the advent of science and technology which led to mechanize farming and others that have depleted the ozone as a result of innovation thereby drifting man afar from primary responsibility need of the family. This was a period of natural food system for immediate family survival and living. This kept hunger afar off from the family. But the era of technology eroded this system and brought more hunger which was denied at the initial stage until these days. In other words, we are all guilty of this erroneous system of science and technology.

      But, if we can look back, this can be fixed and it would generates the needed adequate food system for family. The natural food system would be made available again for healthy living; if we are really serious and interested in this investment for mankind.

      However, the depleting ozone is as a result of this science and technology which is part of farming effect. As a result of climate change, the emission of toxic carbon generated from science and technology that has little or no contribution to human existence is a major factor that needs to be address by nations, especially United Nations (UN). These are unnecessary innovations, things to human existence but posing as a threat to humanity on earth and causing harm and hunger in the world, even to the global north and south. This needs to be seriously addressed and resolution needs to be pass that would effectively implement it adequately by UN and nations involved. In other words, these science and technology should be do away or minimize to allow what will benefit mankind and the earth to evolve.

      These are ways to curb the effect on food and appropriate steps should be taken to mitigate the proliferation of these toxic science and technology emission to human existence. More so, every man should be encouraged to see the need of subsistence farming for immediate family needs. This can be done through loans (financial support), lands provision for farmers and even commercial system.

      Furthermore, insecurity is another challenges arising from global south that needs to be supported by security outfit or intelligence for adequate food system. For example, Nigeria, encountered this for years especially (2014-2023) and that affected her outcome of production which resulted to escalation of prices in food commodities. It was a major threat to food security in the country. Her exports on these goods dropped, thereby, affected the countries she supplies the commodities to. So, insecurity that affect farmers is a global challenge to the benefactors and beneficiaries of the products. Meanwhile, food insecurity causes shortage of food products and leads to hunger because of demand is more than supply. Nevertheless, this can be addressed by a serious government with adequate policies that will incorporates the welfare and protection of farmers’ lives and properties.

      Ultimately, majority of farmers’ needs and challenges can be addressed by the government of the nation as the state-actor, like climate change, loans to assist farmers, land provision and adequate security. All these are national issues to be solved and resolved by state-actors for non-state-actors to maximize their contributions and wellbeing. The private sectors can also play a role but the first point of contact are the state-actors.

      To buttress my points, the resolutions by UN should cut short or minimize unnecessary science and technology that affect climate with serious action and if possible due sanction should be meted on defaulters to serve as deterrence. The policies in place should be review and vigorously pursue for implementation to mitigate these effect. United Nations should be responsible for this implementation, whether global north or south with adequate programmes. Once these are done, with individuals roles, there would be less hunger in the world.

      Thank you.


      Dear all,
      First of all, let me acknowledge the hardwork so far and resilient act of UN FAO and CSOs on food sustainable system across the globe. However, there is more to be done and improvement on every effort and strategies of UN FAO and CSOs programmed collaboration and partnership on the global system. The global system has been in two different spheres of development within and among states. Mostly referred to (developed and developing nations, advanced and advancing nations, global north and global south etc). This arises because of the level of development of each state that culminates into classification or formation of the axes. The middle class was formally called second world countries but as today is either you are developed or developing state classification. The consequence is that the widening gap had led to this belief. This can also be said in this format what exists between men is rich and poor, perhaps, this is where the world stands today! The rich and poor countries, notwithstanding! But it's time the narrative change to bridge the gap and hunger and poverty free generations. The gap should be minimize and an opportunity should be given to encourage nations' engagement in UN FAO and CSOs collaboration.
      Furthermore, the workability by the parties involved should be mutual understanding that builds synergy and high level of participation without organizational discrimination but results and impactful partnership. The UN FAO SDG agenda should be translated into action driven policy implementation. A concrete active advocacy should be publicly received. On this note, awareness has not be seriously addressed. The urban and rural dwellers can't identify SDGs nor the roles it plays in societal development. In other words, the primary call is advocacy and sensitization of the communities of UN FAO SDG programmes in the global system which call for collaboration with CSOs that can give more publicity and awareness. The campaign needs to be intensified, because even the learned in higher institutions as lecturers can tell the functionality and operational of the SDG. This is a wake up call for the stakeholders and partners.
      Observation so far, from the global south and reiterating the year 2030 as an applicable deliverable year, I don't think it stands achievable by what is on ground whether the global north or south poverty and hunger free world. This is pertinent to the organization UN FAO to beat the set date. However, if advocacy is intensified a percentage could be meant about what the programmes holds for nations and communities. This is why leveraging on Civil Society Organizations, Private Sector or Non-governmental Organizations (Non-state actors) would be better appreciated as implementing partners. These are organs that would help drive every initiatives under UN FAO global food security sustainability.
      These non state actors have the tools and mechanism to create the awareness and implementation strategies because they reside in the communities of every nation in the globe. They are more sensitive to the plight of the citizens and indigenous people. The policies should be joint researched and implemented, funded by joint force but state actors take large part of the cost. SDG 1 and 2 should be the primary focus of UN which is in synonymous to FAO policies on global agenda. If the tools of non state actors are really employed and deployed the programmes are more than half done because of closeness and proximity to issues in the communities. The State actors and UN FAO being the central system can't drive these programmes without the consultation of non state actors. It should be decentralized, the powers involved, the policies mechanism, and implementing techniques and partners. The reality on ground is that UN FAO should engage the non state actors more vigorously in the programmes for actualization and impactful results.
      The uniqueness of this programme is that is not dealing with the enlightened alone but both enlightened and non enlightened. So, it calls for critical look for actualization in the society. The local farmers are involved, the commercial farmers are involved and non farmers are involved as well. Therefore, the modalities should be what will mitigate the differences and erase distrust among parties involved for unification and harmonization of ideas and policies that project effective implementation. This would foster agriculture products for sustainability. In other words, it calls for inclusivity of parties involved to maximize effort of stakeholders and multistakeholders mechanism. Meanwhile, the involvement of local farmers is a big plus to CSOs and UN FAO in improvement of productivity and profitability of their products and commodities.
      Sustainability of Agricultural products is more of the local farmers who are closer to civil society organization than FAO. This can be enhance by financial support that would increase productivity, efficiency and sustainable development that will henceforth minimize hunger in the communities and at state level. With moral and financial support the moral for resilience is established and sustained. Understanding the fundamental requirements of this group, Agricultural products would be boosted in the communities. The Food Agriculture Organization of United Nations and Civil Society Organizations would have achieved a lot from their programmes. The best practices would have been initiated and carried out and done in this multifaceted dynamics of FAO programmes implementation. This as well calls for education and enlightenment of the local farmers the need for particular products or breed for high yield. These can be done when the understanding is established by the tripartite stakeholders, which includes inclusiveness of all. The willingness and enthusiasm to work as a team irrespective of status most be established without discrimination by the state actors especially. The role of CSOs can't be separated here because they are interlink with communities, local farmers and FAO. And most importantly every feedback most be acknowledge for now and future use in driving the mandate of FAO that are in consonant of resolution or policies of UN FAO.
      However, we have seen the effect of climate change globally as disaster to human and its environment. But it can be said that what has led to this challenge, that has remedy is pride and insensitivity of the global system especially north and while that of global south poverty and hunger is lack of initiatives and insensitivity as well which is also solvable. If the world is willing to play by the rules and policies makers initiatives that favours both spheres in global system. That is, if compromise is made and harmonization of the differences is/are done irrespective, will mitigate and almeliorate the issues and strengthen every initiatives that would mitigate the challenges at the moment and in future. The global system needs both spheres to withstand and sustain the effect in a peaceful and resolvable manner for better environment to live in, in the world.
      Team work can't be maximize without personal interest and dominance being taken away but the interest of the generality  in a unanimous agreed and accepted form for the Civil Society Organizations to function properly in this light. If not critically view, perhaps both would suffer the advert effect in the long run. These are human projected effect that could be adverted by same human also. Team work can be actualize as business deal and benefits for humanity in the global system. The climate change is a disaster, poverty and hunger are disasters. Both have been seen and observed as human disasters if not carefully manage by the world system. The UN SDG should know more on this and advocate that poverty and hunger should no more be tolerated from global south irrespective of the excuses and drastic action should be taken to advert the ugly trend and situation, likewise the climate change.
      The State actors and non state actors should be action driven in their policies implementation, and better attitude towards economic development and responsible government at all level for citizens welfare and sustainability. In addition, the non state actors can be of help in driving this programme implementation agenda if inclusiveness is paramount to UN FAO or SDG. What is noted here is that CSOs came from nations, therefore, can also be accountable for joint implementation that can mitigate and create enable environment for FAO in the global system. In furtherance to this, policies implementers should have guide mechanism for achievement of programmes and sanctions should be meted against erred organizations in international community.
      For example, the Nigeria-State factors, which majorly centered on internal crisis that ravage the farmers especially in the middle belt area and referred to "farmers-herders conflicts" which have affected the productivity of farms' produces and researchers in the area have not really be attentive to by the UN FAO in order to see to the end despite it is an internal crisis. UN mediation would had reduced the menace. But the damaging cost is that it affects productivity, low income, causes inflation, that affect the generality of the people in the area and thereby mitigating export capacity to other nations has been hampered by this menace of herders conflicts and subjected many into poverty and hunger because of the fear arising from it. The Nigerian's agricultural income has been affected and the national GDP has equally reduced because of the crisis. These are some of the areas the civil society organizations could had come in as a research organization for a feedback to UN FAO and the national government to help resolved the issues that befall Agriculture products for global sustainability system in the area.
      This really affected the economic trajectory which is not just in Nigeria alone but so many countries in the world. Why is it imperative, is that when there is food insecurity the entire human race suffers the consequences. In other words, poverty and hunger were outlined in SDG 1&2 because of peculiarity and deadliness to human race. Notwithstanding, we can't in no wise resist the actual truth of human needs for sustainability and continuity in the world. If Nigeria could be affected with divert resources and so much human capital capacity, think of what would happen to other countries that are poorer in economic development indexes. What is to be done here UN with FAO assistance in collaboration with CSOs research and support should be look into and given priority to restore and boost productivity of agrofood security in the nation and global system.
      Furthermore, CSOs can come up with initiatives that would help eliminate or reduce toxic carbon emission that affect agro products and environment in the world. A policies to strengthen the implementation of programme should be carried out by the state actors and non state actors with strict compliance. This should be immediate action measure. Which would lead to warning and sanction of the culprits. Consequently, without a driving mechanism, modalities, strategies, and drafted policies the implementation stands to be disrupted, distorted by all stakeholders. To resist defaulters in consonant with implementing partners, every stakeholder most agreed on term that will mitigate differences among them all. Neither the global north, or global south  or non state actors would be able to bridge nor contradicts issue raised and resolved as a resolution or treaties among the stakeholders of the policies and strategies of all programmes embark as joint action of UN FAO and civil society organization and other implementing partners.
      To be resilient it needs team work, to be sustainable it needs team work between the partners as state actors and non state actors. The resultant effect is what we are looking into here to sustain the world community, harmonize issues and drive a close effective one world without great margin of economic, political and technological gap among states. The perspective of of resolution mechanism should not be different from global north likewise global south, and same with UN FAO and CSOs to arrived at a distinct conclusion of implementation that would drive the world we all envisage as peaceful, hunger free, poverty free and climate mitigated, sustainable implementation programmes.
      As an individual and organization, who is a part of non state actors, my contribution, is to initiate and ensure every initiative work well with every one of us irrespective of race, continent, country, colour but a better world we envisage to live in. What I meant by this is that, if allow, we could make a tremendous contribution that can change or help ameliorate the suffering of the communities and nation depending on the capacity in which we operate from. Right now, such opportunity is expected as implementing partner of the programmes in this manner that would warrants one on one with my fellow citizens or nation's government which I would always hope to see the effect and impact on humanity across the world. But currently, we are helping to drive policies programme of SDG as an advocate within the communities either by physical contact or through social media contact as you can see.
      In other words, to understand the effect of the programmes' embarked is to have statistics or data that will evaluate the effect and impact of the programmes during the implementing period as an outcome and result, findings taken to archive for future references and use.
      So far my best stake with UN or FAO is submission and suggestions that could lead to policies formulation and framework. And this has limitation on change or driving the new narrative of hunger and poverty free world where you are a co-initiator and implementer. The differences would be highly felt and respected as onsite partner in governing agenda of UN FAO and CSOs or other UN agenda programmes implementation. In this respect a critical look or attention should be paid to organization that could make a difference in their little ways to be brought onboard, especially in their communities for a possible change and differences in operation that could change the entire programme of the collaboration venture. In mine opinion there should be a practical change of business operation from the traditional concept to the modern way that elucidate a global objectives without self interest and dominance of state actors.
      In conclusion, the best practices should be explore and ensure is action packed and driven without any excuses that would warrant delay nor keep in view strategy. These have mitigated a lot of objectives well scripted and articulated policies that would have eradicated poverty and hunger in the world today. The pass should be passed while the present should be present to help facilitate interactive narrative for accelerating breakthrough of world food security. 
      The major challenges today are funding, research, advocacy, states' or national interest first, lack of implementation might, lack of communities based strategy policies and total inclusiveness of farmers. Meanwhile, there are some other challenges that need to be identify which have not be identified and affecting the progress of collaboration and programme implementation of UN FAO. Objectively, holistic strategy by stakeholders would go a long way to mitigate the challenges and finds lasting solution to sustainable food security in the global system.
      And ultimately, monitoring and evaluation should be taken seriously in accomplishing the framework and constant review of implemented programmes and outcome. This will help to examine the success and failure of any programme by UN FAO collaboration. The action of state actors should be more intensified. And the understanding of interdependence of states should be understood to navigate a successful expectations by the stakeholders. Every stakeholder perspective should be geared towards actualization of goals and objectives of UN FAO and CSOs collaboration programmes implementation in the world.
      On this note, I say thank you on this calls and opportunity on the insight...
      Orhue, T. Esosa.
    • Dear Sir/Ma

      Food Volatility and Food Security.

      My little contribution for the submission.

      When there is an instituted mechanism for price control in food system that would lead to food security especially in the developing countries, then, there would be surplus food commodities. A governing body that could see to the volatility of price of commodities is something the government can do. The reason for this is that the economy and political climate are run by the government which is the mouth piece of the citizens of a nation. Farmers must understand how this is done and practice to ensure a productive price regulating for more yields and productivity. A country that can't regulate its commodities and goods is bound to have crisis in prices of goods which could lead to inflation anything and also low productivity of goods because of low interest in a commodity. productive control mechanism is instituted by government to ensure that policy regulating pricing of goods or commodities are maintained. This critical issue is centered on government and its policy.

      To have surplus which amount to food security in a state. A nation most rise above board, partizan issue that could dampen the moral of farmers. In other words, food security is solely lies on profit return and if a return is not commensurate with the input there is bound to be a shortage of investment in a product. This still falls back on government, protection of price of goods to encourage the agriculturists. There shouldn't be floating market or products that lead to high or low price of commodities. The farmers should earn what they worked for and the burden shouldn't be on consumers. The farmers are perturbed because of this irregularities of policy making and management that controls market price. What does this mean? Every farmer's desire is to make profit which is the basic concern because when the price is fixed by them there is a lot of gain forgetting market's circle which also affects them. Most of the time this is done according to input and present circumstances. And this generate fear, anxiety, and agitation from both sides. And has caused farmers to migrate from one particular product to another which makes a particular product to be scarce in the market while other surplus. This can also be attributed  to the inability of prices regulating mechanism that moderates goods and prices.

      Food insecurity could also happen anywhere due to the increase in demographics in the world. Once there is over population there would be food insecurity and this leads to UN SDGs 1 issue. Managing demographic structural adjustment mechanism and policies for every nation to control its citizens consumption of goods and products. Food insecurity is as a result of some of these empirical evidence which needs to be treated and handle practically like political crises, inconsistent in policy implementation and management etc Food security can be seen when especially the government of a nation has a proper and affordable system management.

      Another evidential fact of food insecurity is uncertainty of the economy, when the economy is not predictable it creates tension, anxiety, agitation and fear to hiked the price and generates unsolicited profit at a particular time and move on with another product that is more profitable to them. This happens when economic uncertainty is perceived.

      However, these can be controlled and managed by clear legitimate policy to guide the farmers and their products. An institutional authority can enforce control and manage any unpleasant situation for the benefits of the general public. Food security and insecurity don't just happened but cause by man and environment. To see this functioning system, good policy most be in place to control and abide with.

      Thank you.
