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Ongoing activities
Preserving, strengthening and promoting Indigenous Peoples’ food and knowledge systems and traditional practices for sustainable food systems - HLPE-FSN consultation on the scope of the report
To respond to the CFS request, the HLPE-FSN will develop the report “Preserving, strengthening and promoting Indigenous Peoples’ food and knowledge systems and traditional practices for sustainable food systems” which will will provide recommendations to the CFS workstream. The results of this consultation will be used by the HLPE-FSN to elaborate the report to be presented at the 54th plenary session of the CFS in October 2026.
Community engagement for inclusive rural transformation and gender equality
The objective of this call for submissions is to collect good practices, experiences, and lessons learnt on the use of community engagement for inclusive rural transformation and gender equality. The initiative, organized by the Rural Transformation and Gender Equality Division (ESP), seeks to gather insights from a diverse range of contributors, both within FAO and from external stakeholders. Its goal is to share knowledge, foster learning, and guide the scaling up of community engagement and community-led collective action to leave no one behind. The call builds on FAO's past efforts in this area, such as the Community Engagement Days series of webinars.
Previous activities
Mainstreaming gender for sustainable soil management
Closing the gender gap in access to productive resources and services is crucial for the achievement of a Zero Hunger world. This online discussion aims at collecting the views from a wide range of stakeholders about the relations between gender equality, sustainable soil management and food security.
Webinar "Towards the establishment of an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture"
The webinar provided an introduction to the role that digitalization can play in making agriculture more productive and sustainable and presented the ideas behind the International Digital Council and the multi-stakeholder process leading to its implementation.
The Future UNIDROIT-FAO-IFAD Legal Guide on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts (ALIC)
UNIDROIT, in collaboration with FAO and IFAD, is preparing a future Legal Guide on Agricultural Land Investment Contracts (ALIC), to cater for the needs of legal counsels working on the leasing of agricultural land from States and local communities. This online consultation invites you to share your views and comments on the document's Zero Draft.
CFS policy process on the development of the Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition
The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is undertaking a policy process which will lead to the development of Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition. This e-consultation outcomes will contribute to the preparation of the First Draft of the Voluntary Guidelines.
Development of a Code of Conduct on Food Loss and Food Waste Prevention
The consultation invites you to provide feedback and suggestions on the outline of the Voluntary Codes of Conduct (CoC) for the reduction of food loss and food waste, which are currently being developed at the request of the FAO Committee on agriculture (COAG).
Improving Public Private Partnerships in Africa’s agricultural sector – the case of Zambia
This consultation invites you to provide your experiences and insights on the development of agri-PPPs in Africa. It will serve to enrich the roundtable dialogue with additional insights for policy makers and expand the inclusiveness of the exercise. This particular consultation focuses on agri-PPPs in Zambia.
A stronger intersectoral collaboration for improved food security and nutrition in Armenia
We would like to invite you to reflect on the role of inter-sectorial cooperation in the context of the implementation of the 2030 Development Agenda and the measures that can be taken to strengthen governance and cooperation among line ministries and agencies.
Nutrition-sensitive social protection
This webinar introduced the concept of nutrition-sensitive social protection.
A new deal for school gardening in Kyrgyzstan: developing a framework for a comprehensive policy approach
The online consultation will help to explore the linkages between school meals, nutrition education and agricultural production. It initiates a dialogue on a new role of school gardens in Kyrgyzstan with an opportunity to learn from school gardening initiatives and activities that are already in place in Kyrgyzstan and other countries.