Cross-sectoral policies and strategies: social protection

Cash transfers are increasingly used as a way of addressing poverty across the world. Evidence shows that they can have a positive impact on children’s welfare, improving access to education, nutrition, health and material wellbeing. However, much less is known about their impact on child labour.

In a recent literatire review, The effect of cash transfers on child labour: a review of evidence from rural contexts, the International Cocoa Initiative analysed 21 studies of cash transfer programmes across Asia, Africa and Latin America. The review focused specifically on impacts of cash transfers in rural contexts. Building upon two earlier reviews, it incorporates several studies from the past five years, providing an important addition to the knowledge base on this topic.

Another recent study looks at the impact of income changes (increases and decreases) as a result of shocks and social policies: ICI (2020) The effects of income changes on child labour A review of evidence from smallholder agriculture