Effective approaches to channeling x into sustainable investment in agribusiness: The importance of "Nutritional Diversity." part 1 

A fatal error exists in modern culture - likely many do. For many minds today exists a total disregard for nature, natural knowledge, and understanding of nature, even simple things like planting a plant, and understanding time in nature; should be two basic first learned and regularly routine fixtures of a strong, healthy human culture. Furthermore, the depth of this nature connection is essential to everything we know, how could we possibly think that it is not?

From the start to the finish, nature shows us a dynamic diversity that works together. We go with a now chemically dependent singular culture model for our later consumption that kills thousands of species a day per square foot. It affects negatively the entire ecosystem on the planet. We struggle with the immune system or lack of that, and health crisis in 50 plus forms at this time. We have built islands of trash and killed a huge percentage of the life on this planet in the name of various industries; one of the largest being the agriculture industry. The whole world is guilty.

The current migrant situation today and the large prison population today and the military population today {x} are all great opportunities to quickly make up for a lost time here, restore ecology, and innovate for natural restorations and health potentials [a].

Governments (1) should most certainly incentive green conversions, green roofs, and new green installments, operations, and activities in an all-natural method, maybe even with all-natural permaculture (Mullison.B) method education (example) [b] since that is not what we have available today. All of these and more surely clear no-brainer investments compared to many ongoing biological investments now. It doesn't stop at subsidies and incentives; job creation for land enhancement, land enhancement research - specifically biodynamic (Steiner, R.) applications and evolutions could drastically improve our quality of life, health both personally and ecologically, and in long-term sustainability.

Diverse natural diets [c] 1 reduce the nation's health costs, 2 reduce toxic mission from agriculture, 3. reduce soil decay, and 4 promote ecological vitality - arguably the most important feature of the land.

Air and water, "green equity" - the most valuable equity (air, breath) no one considers, and water health is improved by conscious direction and through biodynamic land enhancements [d].

The natural teacher (nature) can resolve many of today's conceptual difficulties and return solid grounding to cultures that have floated away in their own creative fantasy - that turns out harmful to our world. So many lessons in the natural exchange missing from today will restore; what is missing from today.

Provides incomes, health, and freedom to migrants and underfunded families.

With or without government participation, this "diverse all-natural" agenda can and should go on, and can be a very profitable self-start business the poor can come up with quickly and in several ways at once. If I had a diverse all-natural ingredient smoothie or salad bar, dinner or even snack stand in my area I would be there ten times a week. I travel regularly great distances to rare places that do have, and more and more athletes in my gym and from my small cooperative of farms come with me each time.

There are several avenues to take, for example;

Independent small "garden to table businesses" that educate their communities about 1 the toxins in modern agriculture, 2 about the benefits of more natural consumption, and 3 provide the nutritional diversity diet variety minimums to deliver a solid effect and culturing that will make for a substantial permanent upgrade and understanding of how important it is to hit the high mark - and remove the low marks from our biological practices. This right now has been more important to athletes and they are perfect to take the concept forward because they work hard! Food buying groups, compost operation operators, biodynamic preparations specialists, all-natural fertilizer makers, micro-greens growers, gardeners, animal farmers, chocolate and cheesemakers will be able to fill specialty fields.

Invest in the talented, bio-artists, innovators, and engineers who are and have been growing stuff in this field now!  Those of us who have remained steady and consistent in our efforts, education, and advancement can make good leaders, and set the right trends and examples to move us along the God-given path past ultimate health and onto superior mental and athletic ability through the nuclear potentials in biological activity right in front of us. This is the innovation of the most basic importance that we have skipped over in search of new mechanical and computation technologies. To make a nice-looking veer off onto this road with a good chunk of the human potential into the very potent leg of "natural enhancement [b]" would be pretty smart of us about 10-100 years ago. "Permacultures" are near match producing modern agriculture today on many sites, a very published science with 60 years in practice.

Land appropriations and new land purchases for all-natural no-chemical use farming and conscious, educated, respectful, and careful enhancements to normal ecologists. How no government grants to this currently is beyond me and I am thankful for the forest protection that does go on. Fire lands, lands robbed for cattle raising are excellent first candidates for this very necessary practice.

We have an experiment (and there are others like ours) with new blockchain technology, offering a valuable* non-fungible token of limited production in exchange for land and tree care via GPS (Global Position System) oriented grow log participation. Ideas are happening about an eco-based action economy where appreciation of these ecologically supportive activities has the opportunity to become a new base rate for humans who choose to support such attention. We have even gone to the extent of developing a video game that targets-26 years old's and plans to offer a "metaverse" position for ecologically and personal health-supportive trends. These are great networking potentials for new people to this passion [e].

There are ten roads to the other side no doubt, and I would suggest investment into crossing each on getting to this particular destination.


In Panama now ten years our small group has done a lot with a little and we can tell you alternative agriculture investment interest is still a very difficult pursuit. We are familiar with the red tape of the North, the lack of education in the South, and the stranglehold of modern agriculture on it all. It is very much up to an alternative culture completely to step up to doing better for themselves, their children, and their communities and make these changes, go into this business, add this natural and diverse future.

After a month of research and networking a person or family could be off to the races in a new nitch field where the possibilities are endless and the discoveries miraculous. It is a solid business concept it appeases multiple existing markets and an even more solid pursuit for mankind in general. Facilitation of new channels of investment will be important moving forward that provide liquidity options and formal securities to investors.

Information exchange and merit-building conversations for this field have continuously returned my team thinktanks to the metaverse inevitability as a robust place to moderate operational structures within communities  (time regulated for less personal mental health risk of course). There is great benefit in natural arts, sciences, and business communities.

Separation is the thought-enemy in this science. We need a science of combinations of strategically selected diverse elements at just the right times to conjure up the higher forces of nature. We will do all this for the smallest improvements, but over time it will amount to a mountain of health, intelligence, performance, prosperity, and wellbeing. Science in the direction of dissection,  separation, and isolation has yielded the most error-ridden and overcomplicated system of total imbalance.

I hope we do find a functional implementation for both the migrant populous and the ecology.


Brandon, Nutritional Diversity


We concluded, long ago that the more diverse the diets and more diverse species in nature able to work together are the best performing biologies.

The opportunity for health and performance gains in diverse biological studies is seemingly limitless and should be a priority.


a. "Bio-Tribe" Xprize, Cabron Removal Team, Panama - Natural Soil Enhancement, Diversified Diet and Agricultural modeling.

b. "Nutritional Diversity" Education Channel example

c. Nutritional Diversity Concept diets

d. Integrative "Eco-Food" Concept Pioneering

e. ND Non-Fungible Token concept

(Mullison B., Steiner R.)