Dear All,

Good day!

When microplastics enter the soil ecosystem, they can persist for long periods, accumulating over time. Here are a few ways in which microplastics can impact soil health:

  1. Nutrient Availability: Microplastics can impede nutrient cycling in soil. Their presence can affect the physical structure of the soil, reducing pore space and limiting the diffusion of water and nutrients. This can lead to a decrease in microbial activity, which plays a vital role in breaking down organic matter and releasing nutrients for plant uptake.
  2. Soil Structure and Aggregation: Microplastics can disrupt soil structure and aggregation, which are important for soil fertility and water retention. They can act as physical barriers, preventing the formation of stable soil aggregates. This can result in reduced soil aeration, water infiltration, and root penetration, ultimately affecting plant growth and productivity.
  3. Contamination of Soil and Water: Microplastics can also act as carriers for other contaminants. They have the ability to adsorb and accumulate heavy metals, pesticides, and other toxic substances. As a result, the presence of microplastics in soil can contribute to the contamination of both soil and water resources, posing risks to ecosystems and potentially entering the food chain.
  4. Microbial Community: Microplastics can negatively impact soil microbial communities, which are essential for nutrient cycling and maintaining soil health. Studies have shown that microplastics can alter the composition and diversity of soil microbial communities, potentially affecting their functional roles and disrupting the delicate balance of the soil ecosystem.

Educating society about the danger of plastic/microplastic pollution is essential for sustainable land management. Recently we organised one Webinar on Soil vs. Plastics, as part of World Food Day celebration that helped the audience better understand the emerging problem of microplastic pollution in soil as well as possible solutions, recording of which may be found in the following link:

Soil vs. Plastics webinar recording (Click Here)


And the report can be found in following link:

With warm regards,

Pradip Dey