As I have glanced through the comments, I tend to divide them between smallholder farmers producing both crops while maintaining animals, hopefully more for animal products than draft, and pastoral systems. I addressed the conflict between crops and animal enterprises in an earlier posting. Now please allow me to comment on the pastoral system. 

I think the pastoral system is closely tied to communal grazing and lands that are controlled by the "tragedy of the commons" where benefits come to individual, while risks are shared. This results in massive overcrowding and overgrazing as the most rational thing for individuals is to commit at many animals to the communal lands as possible, without regards to overall health and well-being of the animals. 

Thus, my question is what can or is being done to improve the overall management of this lands that would restrict the number of animals being grazed and improved the quality of fodder and overall carrying capacity of the communal lands? My general model is the USDA's Forest Service management of the National Grazing Lands in the USA. 

Wouldn't addressing this be the best way to enhance the quality and productivity of the animals?

Thank you.