I am attaching a shortened version of the Inga Foundation’s Mission Statement. This document outlines our Land for Life Program in Central America which is directly relevant to your present call.

Since 2012, we have introduced and established four agroforestry systems with 450 families in the buffer zone of the Pico Bonito National Park.
This has restored thousands of hectares of degraded invasive grass/scrub vegetation to a mosaic of agroforest.  Around 4 million trees have been planted and managed; mainly by the families themselves.  With Inga alley-cropping, they achieve complete food-security in basic grains and a transformation in the family economy by cash-crops.  The systems are highly successful and in huge demand.
Please take a look at :  www.ingafoundation.org
With kind regards
Mike Hands
Director:  Land for Life Program.  Central America