Dear Sir/Madame,

In response to the Call, we are pleased to submit a contribution based on the experience and work under the programme "NATURE+: Nature-positive Solutions for Shifting Agrifood Systems to More Resilient and Sustainable Pathways," part of the OneCGIAR Portfolio.

The Initiative adopts a holistic approach, encompassing five areas of work: 1) Conservation of agrobiodiversity, utilizing both in situ and ex situ approaches; 2) Management of agrobiodiversity, where agrobiodiverse farms cultivate locally adapted crops and develop value chains for local crops; 3) Restoration, involving agroforestry systems and the integration of local trees into the production system; 4) Circular Economy, focusing on the management of rural waste to create economic value and reduce environmental impact; 5) Engagement, through the assessment of the true cost of food production on the environment and the study and research of policies that can support agrobiodiversity in the production system for an evidence-based policy transition.

A practical application of the Nature+ principles can be seen in Kenya, where, in response to challenges such as land degradation, fragmentation, and declining production efficiency, NATURE+ has designed an innovative approach to unify small farm plots into larger aggregated farms. By applying nature-positive principles, these aggregated farms will enable producers to achieve economies of scale, diversify production, and create new value chains.

We thank you for this opportunity to contribute to the discussion and look forward to the outcomes.

With best regards,
