Joseph Weiss

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find below find my contributions, especially on land tenure, NTFPs and governance.


Proposed additions to assessment

Largely, seeking to enhance discussion of NTFPs, land tenure and governance

P 19

Line 24. Natural forests

This section deserves at least a paragraph on land tenure in natural forests. In fact, chapter 5 claims that this is treated in chapter 2 but I could not find reference there. Following is a suggested paragraph for the end of this section:

Land tenure is often poorly defined and governance is deficient in most natural forests. They may be public lands, protected areas or community lands, with classifications and circumstances varying from country to country. The large total area classified as public lands limits the presence of governing agencies. In the Brazilian Amazon, loggers, cattle ranchers and industrial agriculture have gained title to 30 million hectares of these lands (IPAM, 2006). USAID’s Indonesia Forest Program belatedly acknowledged that land tenure was an important issue, where the failure to deal with it can lead to landslides, flooding and reduced food security.  Natural forests classified as community lands may be able to resist similar pressure.  In Brazil, extractive reserves and indigenous lands (classified as protected areas) strengthen communities’ capacity to defend land and tree rights, reducing deforestation relative to nearby areas (see box). Community use may have detrimental or favorable effects on deforestation, food security and nutrition.

Box – Brazilian Amazon’s Protected Areas

Approximately 42% of the Legal Amazon is in protected areas in the form of conservation units and indigenous lands. Establishing these areas has been an effective means of reducing deforestation in the region. The protection and use of the sustainable development conservation units and indigenous lands generally improves food security through subsistence and cash income. However, there are formal initiatives underway to downgrade, downsize or degazette protected areas (Araujo and Barreto, 2010). (can add detail)

On page 20, suggest the following minor additions:

line 18 biosphere reserves and indigenous lands

line 30 Add: In the Brazilian Amazon, sustainable development protected areas and Indigenous Lands, where communities remain, have avoided loss in food security and generate cash income from NTFPs, with less deforestation from agriculture.

line 32 evolving policy and governance frameworks

line 37 new governance models and partnerships

p 21

line 18 Failure to apply forest principles often led to prohibition of community use of forest timber, reducing FSN.

line 34 as well as shaded cocoa and coffee, improved soil…

p 22

line 6 typo exist

p 23

figure 6 bottom right – perennials (not only forages)

p 24

line 27 hunting and fishhng

p 40

ntfp in brazil

p 46 box 15

In various places in Brazil’s Amazon, such as in Juruena, northwest Mato Grosso


Line 4

Title: Fuelwood, charcoal, smoke …

Add to line 16 Unsustainable informal charcoal production in Brazil negatively affects nutrition as it often contributes to child and unfavorable labor practices as well as work-related pulmonary diseases and degradation of natural forests which contribute to nutrition and health


P54 l 34 fuelwood, charcoal and smole

In Brazil, some charcoal is produced from natural forests made by men and children hired temporarily under unsanitary and difficult conditions, leading to respiratory disease and poor family nutrition.

P 58

line 34 suggest inserting an additional subtitle

Opportunities for NTFPs

In some countries and for some NTFPs, communities have built fair trade ties with corporations. There are many other opportunities to develop these ties, turning non-profit to profit based support, enhancing income and nutrition. Pre-investment funding could be a way to make this happen. (can provide more detail).


Line 14

The text could alternatively go here:

In some countries and for some NTFPs, communities have built fair trade ties with corporations. There are many other opportunities to develop these ties, turning non-profit to profit based support, enhancing income and nutrition. Pre-investment funding could be a way to make this happen. (can provide more detail).

P 102

Line 18

Alternatively, improve market chains and develop marketing information systems for NTFP and other forest goods and services to 18 promote the development of small-scale social forestry enterprises and fair trade-based community ties with corporations.

Elis Araújo and Paulo Barreto. Formal threats to protected areas in the Amazon. IMAZON – State of the Amazon, July 2010, no. 16.

Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia – IPAM, A grilagem de terras públicas na Amazônia brasileira. Brasília: MMA, 2006. 108 p.