Thank you for your contribution. I acknowledge receipt of the document. You have raised interesting issues about the forestry context in India. Next week we will try and focus on the role of social protection instruments. Among the discussion documents on the top right corner of this webpage is a background document that introduces and defines social protection and the key instruments ( e.g. cash transfers, food assistance, school feeding, subsidies, public works etc).
Next week, could you provide any further examples of whether social protection instruments in India like the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act are in any way promoting sustainable forestry or affecting forest dependent people in India?
Dear Santosh
Thank you for your contribution. I acknowledge receipt of the document. You have raised interesting issues about the forestry context in India. Next week we will try and focus on the role of social protection instruments. Among the discussion documents on the top right corner of this webpage is a background document that introduces and defines social protection and the key instruments ( e.g. cash transfers, food assistance, school feeding, subsidies, public works etc).
Next week, could you provide any further examples of whether social protection instruments in India like the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act are in any way promoting sustainable forestry or affecting forest dependent people in India?