Dear Ms. Fulton,
Please find below my comment and answers to this new topic.
General Comment:
In my opinion the Draft (14 03 16) contains all the issues inherent to U-R transformation and it is a very good base for the forthcoming CFS 44 (2017). Having a medical background I am no prepared to answer all four questions. Only the following ones:
Q 1 Are the key challenges…
Yes, the changing urban-rural dynamics are well addressed. A new issue could be to demand that the processors of food to follow the high income countries’ rules. Probably some big companies have a double threshold depending of on the country’s status. Special attention should be paid to the sugary beverages and food. The problem of ‘Urbanization’ or U-R interlinkages merits special attention and care and perhaps the classical division between LM- and H-IC should include the interlinkage. Also from the beginning the concept of ‘malnutrition’ should be clear to avoid confusion with undernutrition/ underweight.
Q 4. Where /how do you think…
In my opinion voluntary rural organizations could contribute importantly to maintain the as yet not so contaminated rural food patterns.
Manuel Moya
IPA TAG-Nutrition
With my kindest regards
Manuel Moya
Catedrático E/ E Professor & Head
Editor in Chief of the Newsletter. International Pediatric Asociation (IPA)
Chair of the IPA Technical Advisory Group on Nutrition
Board of Directors of IPA Foundation
Academician of the Real Academia de Medicina
Manuel Moya