In my opinion, before we start any action or comments or discussion for the gender equality in relation with sustainable soil management (SSM), we have to consider the following issues:

  1. Countries development / countries GDP.
  2. Level & type of agriculture education in the countries in relation to SSM.
  3. Percentage and ages of both gender in the countries.
  4. Courtiers policies on rural and agricultural lands.
  5. Unemployment percentage in the countries.
  6. Country security and safety.      

What is the relation between sustainable soil use, management and conservation and gender equality?

Because sustainable soil management (SSM) is related to soil and agricultural extension graduate. So, to get or to find and justified this relation we have to specify and evaluate the education type and level in the countries.  


What are the distinct roles for women, men, boys and girls in sustainable soil management?

Women: can play a great role in agriculture extension by convincing each other in any issue related to SSM.

Men: can play implement and demonstrate the issue related to SSM. 

Boy & girls: can play a role during any rural activities related to SSM.


What are the main gender-based constraints?

  1. Most of soil and water specialist are Men (Education level and class).
  2. Most women are not accepting the farming work because it’s very hard.
  3. Some of societies will not accept the ladies to work in the farms.
  4. The low income from agricultural project specially in poor countries.


What practical solutions and approaches could help overcoming such barriers?

  1. Education, education level, Technical & Training Centers for both gender.
  2. Small & Medium enterprises (SMES) cooperate gender projects.
  3. Reducing land fragmentation.
  4. Strengthen the agricultural association specially the gender based.
  5. Governmental / united nation subsidies for joined gender based project.
  6. Facilitate and insuring the product marketing.


How can the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment contribute to sustainable soil management and conservation?

  1. Reduction in unemployment percentage (country level) especially in agriculture sector.
  2. Increase and enhance the preservation & protection of the natural / land resources.
  3. Facilitate the implementation the SSM programs (short, mid, and long term).


Which interventions at policy and project/field level are of utmost priority?

  1. Reduce the land fragmentation in order to attract both gender together to invest in agriculture sector and to sustain the land use.
  2. Create / build up / enhance an agricultural society including both genders.
  3. Enhance the women in agriculture field by subsidies.
  4. Educate, enhance, and train both gender on how to build up business from agriculture field.
  5. Reduce the tax for the agriculture product’s spatially for the local market and if the products produced from union gender company.
  6. Women has a right to own agricultural property.