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    • Please consider the following points to be added in FFA

      under section 3.1.1
      1. Healthy and diversified food provision to school students, young mothers in hospitals (Revised menu for every 6 months)
      Standards in Public Institutions:
      Provision of Nutritious food like small millets, through Public Distribution System ( prior advertisement by the Government), including  vegetables with long shelf life (onion, potato), Milk powders ( many young mothers haven't got enough milk to breast-fed the children)
      Standard nutrition education for all school children and hygienic cooking methods 
      under section 3.1 ( Food system)
      Bio fortified foods promotion: ( Bio fortification with rice, pulses or spices)- Instant Food powders ( fruit powders, vegetable powders, green leaf powders, dry fish?,)
      Promoting nutritional crops in agriculture including legumes, vegetables, multivitamin greens etc through state department of agriculture, horticulture
      Provision of quality vegetable seeds for home garden through PDS/ ICDS/SCHOOLS etc
      under section 3.3.1
      In priority action please include promotion of nutrition home gardens in every house ( Government provide housing to many rural and BPL families, insist on rain water collection but not fruit trees, vegetable gardens and compost pits for recycling perishable wastes, waste foods)
      - Behavior change communication tools for educating school children, mothers on prevention of anemia,( wall paintings, puppet shows, street theaters etc)
    • Questions:

      1. General comments on the Draft of the Rome Declaration on Nutrition.


      1. Specific comments on the paragraphs related to the multiple threats that malnutrition poses to sustainable development (paragraphs 4-10).

      5. Recognises the root causes of malnutrition…

      Promotion of NUTRITION EDUCATION, BEHAIOUR CHANGE COMMUNICATION  in schools, colleges, work places

      1. Specific comments on the vision for global action to end all forms of malnutrition (paragraphs 11-12).

      Paragraph 12

      1. Reducing Food losses..

      To promote rural godowns for storing the excess harvests, local governments to fix procurement prices for farmers produce, crop insurance for farmers, promotion of rural post harvest processing centres  ( In India if drought affected, only paddy/wheat farmers getting compensation grant while fruit, vegetable and other millet growers don’t get)


      1. Specific comments in the appropriate fields relating to the commitments (paragraph 13)

      b. reshape food systems

      promotion of nutritious legumes, millets, fruit seedlings (free distribution to small holders, especially women farmers and rural children) as intercrop, relay crop or mixed cropping

      d. encourage and facilititate contribution..

      Exchange visits of field sites – successful models-  to be arranged for women/ small holder farmers (family) inter country and inter state. Enocuraging NGO participation through Government ( promoting Public Private Partnership)

      5.       We would also appreciate your vision on policies, programmes and investment that might help translate such commitments into action. 

      Policy like promotion of home gardens (structured home gardens with greens, legumes, tubers, yellow vegetbales,gourds,  annuals and fruit trees) along with GREEN HOUSES or HOUSING SCHEMES FOR THE POOR.

      PROMOTION OF VALUE ADDED FOOD (eg. Fortified Foods) through Public Distribution system.

      COMMUNICATION – Media to promote nutritious foods, sanitation and personal hygiene using Behavious change communiction tools, ICT, street plays and through famous film actors/ actresses

      RIGHT TO FOOD- RIGHT TO NUTRITIOUS FOOD FOR CHILDREN schemes – supporting free food to school children with fruits and salads

      Policies governing public funds need to converge before reaching the beneficiery ( For promoting nutrition for women and children, convergence of  work plan of state department of Agriculture, Nutrition board, ICDS, Rural development, Education department is necessary)