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Dear contributors,
Thank you for your insightful and sharp contributions.
The HLPE-FSN invites participants to address some or all of the proposed guiding questions, as relevant to their experience, and provide examples as appropriate. The contributions will be compiled and analyzed by the HLPE-FSN experts working on the upcoming report on “Reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition”.
The HLPE-FSN is constantly working to address the many issues facing both policymakers and food and nutrition practitioners alike, and your valuable insights are fundamental in our working process, in order to ensure legitimacy and a high degree of scientific quality. Likewise, we look for the incorporation of diverse forms of knowledge and expertise, to make sure that world policy making for food security and nutrition is based upon reliable science and evidence, and science-policy processes ensure that due recognition, acceptance and prominence are given to traditional knowledge.
We look forward to receiving your valuable inputs and to learning from your experiences.
Best regards,
Évariste Nicolétis, Co-facilitator of this consultation, Coordinator of the HLPE-FSN
السيد Évariste Nicolétis
Évariste Nicolétis, who is the co-facilitator of this consultation and the Coordinator of the HLPE-FSN Secretariat, welcomes your suggestions:
The HLPE-FSN is working to address the many issues facing both policymakers and food and nutrition practitioners alike, and your valuable insights are fundamental in our working process, to ensure legitimacy and scientific quality. Likewise, we look for the incorporation of diverse forms of knowledge and expertise, to make sure that global policymaking for food security and nutrition is based not only upon science but also to diverse forms of knowledge.