International Course on Rights-based approach to food and nutrition security
The Food and Nutrition Security Training programme of the Centre for Development Innovation - Wageningen UR is pleased to announce the organisation of the
‘International Course on Rights-based approach to food and nutrition security, to be held in Wageningen, the Netherlands from 19 –30 January 2015’.
A fresh approach in addressing the problem of food and nutrition insecurity is the human rights-based framework. The right to food has been formally recognized since the adoption of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.
This definition of the Right to Food has been further developed by FAO and is as follows: When every man, woman and child, alone or in community with others, has physical access and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement.
As a participant in this course you will gain insights about concepts and principles within the human rights-based approach, Right to Food, Food and Nutrition security and their interrelationships. The course will address different concepts used in the right to food approach. Participants will be provided tools on how to set-up lobbying and advocacy campaigns and how to develop an intervention using a rights-based approach to address food and nutrition insecurity.
If you are interested in learning about rights-based approaches please consult our website of the Centre for Development Innovation for more information about the application procedure and costs.
Fellowships available: Deadline for fellowship application is May 6, 2014.
For more information on nutrition, agriculture and experiences of previous participants of our courses, please visit the nutrition security portal