Scaling Up Nutrition: Strengthening Institutional Capacity
U.S. leadership in the global movement to scale up nutrition has led to increased investments in U.S. health, food security, and nutrition programs.
We need to assess nutrition resources available to U.S. Government agencies, to implementing partners, and to country governments and civil society. Do they have sufficient technical capacity in nutrition to “scale up” programs? How well-equipped is the U.S. government to support country-led efforts and help sustain their momentum and progress? How can we further build our capacity?
An approach to nutrition that crosses government departments, bureaus, and offices will help strengthen U.S. programs and use our nutrition dollars as effectively as possible. Strengthened leadership and capacity helps ensure better coodination and accountability for results. Harmonized program strategy, budgets, guidance on implementation, and implementation on the ground will maximize the impact of our work on the critical problem of global malnutrition.
Robert Clay, Deputy Administrator, Global Health Bureau, USAID
Karin Lapping, Senior Director-Nutrition, Save the Children US
Leslie Elder, Senior Nutrition Specialist, Human Development Network, the World Bank
Moderated by:
George Ingram, Co-chair, Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network
Monday, November 5, 2012
12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
(lunch provided)
Bread for the World Institute
425 3rd Street SW, Suite 1200 (12th floor)
Washington, DC 20024
Metro: Federal Center (Blue/Orange lines)
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