التدريب والأدوات وقواعد البيانات

E- learning course: Trade, food security and nutrition

The relationship between trade and food security is attracting increased attention on both the trade and development agendas, with trade recognized as one of the means for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This course addresses the linkages between trade and food security, which...

التدريب والأدوات وقواعد البيانات

Infographic: Sustainable forestry for food security and nutrition

Worldwide, 795 million people go hungry every day. This figure could be reduced, benefiting millions of people, through the wider adoption and implementation of sustainable forest management as a key component of integrated landscape management, resulting in better protected ecosystem services, more...

التقارير والموجزات

Agriculture in Africa—Telling Myths from Facts: A Synthesis

Stylized facts drive research agendas and policy debates. Yet robust stylized facts are hard to come by, and when available, often outdated. In a special issue of Food Policy, 12 papers revisit conventional wisdom on African agriculture and its farmers’ livelihoods using nationally representative...

التقارير والموجزات

التصدي للأسباب الجذرية للهجرة واستغلال إمكاناتها لتحقيق التنمية - الهجرة والزراعة والتنمية الريفية

تستهدف هذه الوثيقة الدول الأعضاء ومنظومة الأمم المتحدة وكافة الشركاء المحتمل الآخرين. وهي تلقي الضوء على الدور الذي يمكن للتنمية الزراعية والريفية والإدارة المستدامة للموارد الطبيعية أن تلعبه في تقليص ضغوط الهجرة على المناطق الريفية. وتضع الخطوط العريضة لنقاط الدخول الرئيسية حيث يمكن لمنظمة الأغذية...

التقارير والموجزات

Global challenges for a sustainable production of food of animal origin

Food of animal origin contribute to meet human requirements and have large significance, mainly for children and juveniles as well as for pregnant and lactating women and they may stabilize human nutrition. Due to the increase of global population, the higher income in many countries and to overcome...

التقارير والموجزات

Agriculture, food systems, diets and nutrition in Zambia

Zambian agricultural production is focused on one staple cereal: maize. Maize makes up the major part of the national diet, while nutrient-rich foods such as legumes, animal-source foods, fruit and vegetables are eaten in small quantities, particularly amongst the poorest families. Many Zambians...
