أسهم هذا العضو في:

    • It is believed that clarifying the real role of small-scale fisheries in livelihood, income, employment and economic activities for coastal communities, can convince governments to adequately support this activity. Therefore, one of the activities that was carried out in Iran (by Iranian Fisheries Science Reseach Institute) during the last few years and in the initial stage with the financial support and guidance of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,, was, collecting and analyzing, the socio-economic information of different types of small - Scale fisheries. During these projects, 75 pieces of information on each fishery were collected and all social and economic indicators including, the number of jobs created by each fishery, the amount of income and profit of each fisherman from fishing, the cost structure of each fishery, the number fishermen families and their level of dependence on fishing, the age structure of fishermen, the way of paying wages (remuneration) to crews (are they paid a fixed wage or do they receive a share of the amount of catch as wages) and many other indicators.

      Certainly, if these information and analyzes are done carefully and provided to the governments, their attention to the role and importance of small-scale-fisheries will increase and they will have more support for small-scale-fisheries. In addition, providing this accurate information to governments can ensure the sustainability of harvesting by small-scale-fisheries and the preservation of genetic stocks. Therefore, it is suggested that the collection and analysis of information for each small-scale fisheries be considered and supported by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), as one of the important agendas.

      One of the advantages of this action, is clarifying the real and hidden role of small-scale fisheries in the world, and because it is done in the form of small projects, it will be highly accurate, and it will help the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and governments to  organize and support sustainable small -scale fisheries.

      BR. Amin

      Seyed Aminollah Taghavimotlagh (Associate professor) 

      Fish Stock assessment & Fisheries Management 

       Head of Fish Biology and Stock assessment Department 

      Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute, Teharn, Iran.  

    • If we look at the development of civil society in different countries, the civil society has grown less in countries that have large and massive governments. Therefore, the first priority is the development of civil society in countries so that cooperation between FAO and civil society can be expanded. On the other hand, training and capacity building is one of the important factors in the development of cooperation between FAO and civil society in countries. These actions should be done in harmony with the country so that there is no feeling of conflict between the civil society and the government.