Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Prof. Weisheng Zeng

Academy of Forestry Inventory and Planning, National Forestry and Grassland Administration

Many thanks to FSN team for this open consultation. Because the V0 draft is too long and I was impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic in the recent days, thus it is delayed for my feedback.

I think the FSN team has prepared a detailed document on a complex subject covering important points. Because the issues of this consultation are not in my expertise area, I only present some general comments for reference as follows:

General Comments

China is a large country with more than 1.8 billion people. Up to now, absolute poverty has been addressed in a historic way. Chinese government has comprehensively won the battle against poverty, lifting all 98.99 million rural residents out of poverty. However, I can only find a few words about China in this V0 draft. Thus, it is suggested to pay more attentions on the progress for reducing inequalities for food security and nutrition in China.  

Specific Comments

  1. The text and fig1.2 are not consistent, and both of them are not consistent with the Table of Contents.
  2. The 3-4 lines from the bottom on page 42 seem to be a title of subsection.
  3. The 2nd line on page 49 need to add a finger before %.
  4. There two sources for the box on page 61. Same for the box on page 62.
  5. “farmland red lining” on 10-11 lines from the bottom on page 77 may be “cropland red line”.
  6. “Taiwan” on 4th line from the bottom on page 78 need to be deleted because Taiwan is not a country, only a part of China;
  7. “territorial considerations” on 17th line from the bottom on page 105 is better to change to “rural areas” for avoiding repeat of “consideration” in the same sentence.
  8. “The next and final chapter” on 3rd line from the bottom on page 127 need to be revised.
  9. The font and size of titles of section and subsection are not significantly different, which need to be identified more clearly.
