Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Thank you for the invitation.

Input on New Food System Integrated Program to support the transformation of food systems into nature-positive, resilient, and pollution free system.

There should be a shift of focused towards advancing indigenous and local climate activism, and strengthening climate movements locally so that these outcomes will build a concrete block to further give essential support to governments, private sector, humanitarian agencies, value chain actors and policymakers to increase global food security and climate ambition. With this, there should be focal points across offering resources to enhance the work of young humanitarians and activists in local communities who will engage the governments and policy makers to advance indigenous perspectives in global food security and climate policy as a long-term drive for sustain results and impact.

These outcomes planned should aim directly at helping improve livelihoods of vulnerable communities, protecting the dignity of displaced persons especially women through economic empowerment, and encouraging healthier diets, reducing food waste, and changing farming and land management practices to reduce emissions from food production. There should be clear deliverables key to helping rural agriculture to be more resilient to climate change impacts through nature-based solutions by diversifying crops on farms, restoring depleted agricultural lands and forests to boost ecosystem services: helping farmers  reduce using conventional farming techniques to organic farming practices to ensure more healthy and chemical free foods, and helping rural women and smallholder farmers change from ploughing lands and harrowing it to adopting no till farming techniques to expand their farms which will further generate more income to improve their livelihoods and also maximize yields to build food security. These communities have been using their traditional practices and knowledge to adapt to environmental changes for a long time, while also helping to mitigate climate change by conserving and managing important forest areas around the world, therefore fully integrating local perspectives and solutions into climate action strategies will be essential and help maintain functioning ecosystem services in the face of this changing climate and ensuring benefits are shared equitably, to cause the transformation we seek to achieve in food systems.

Kindly see my article if it will be useful: Research/Articles – CeWaFS-Ghana (

Logical framework for my community development-based organization.

Program Goal: To help rural, migrant, and deprived communities build resilient food system for food security





Objective 1:

To improve food security for rural women

Through our training rural women will learn how manage agricultural resources to enhance crop yields. Rural women will have enough to feed and sustain themselves

Observation and administrating questionnaires to beneficiaries after the program

Rural livelihoods become more profitable: (SDG 1: No Poverty & SDG 5: Gender Equality)



Food nutrients increase; (SDG 2: Zero Hunger & SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities).



Objective 2:

To train rural women in organic vegetables farming so they can gain new streams of income

Rural women produce and sell organic vegetables. Rural women gain financial independence.


Interviewing beneficiaries and conducting survey on the impact of the program

Lives are directly impacted; Number of farmers, youth, & women’s groups earn

more through marketplace

Objective 3:

To help indigenous farmers restore depleted agricultural resources and forests around their farms to boost ecosystem services

Depleted agricultural lands restored and ecosystem services boosted. Increase in crop yields


Comparing statistics of farm yields before and after the program.



Field survey to investigate the rate of resource use.

Resilient Ecosystems are built; (SDG 13: Climate Action)

Rural folks get improved water systems, Ground water become abundant since catchment areas are conserved; (SDG 6: Clean Water & Sanitation & SDG 14: Life Below Water)





Soil fertility gets restored; (SDG 15: Life on Land).

Kamasa Dorothy, Ghana