Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Dear contributors,

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those who have contributed to the consultation towards the development of a Voluntary Code of Conduct on the sustainable use of plastics in agriculture.

We received a total of 107 contributions from 49 countries, originating from a wide range of experts from national governments, academia, private sector and civil society. These diverse and insightful contributions will play a pivotal role in guiding FAO as we embark on crafting the initial draft of the Voluntary Code of Conduct.

We deeply appreciate the time and effort you dedicated to providing your comments, as they are essential for ensuring the legitimacy, scientific rigor, and integration of a broad spectrum of knowledge and expertise into FAO's recommendations.

Thank you for your significant contributions.


Lev Neretin, FAO Environment Team Lead, co-facilitator of this Call for submissions