Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Mr. Basiru Darboe


Small-scale livestock farming involves various components and forces that contribute to its development. these include access to land, water, and other resources availability of inputs such as feed and veterinary services, market access, and supportive policies and regulation. 

Agricultural cooperatives and partnerships also play a crucial role in promoting small-scale livestock farming by providing farmers with access to markets, inputs, and technical assistance.

policy strategies that support small-scale livestock farming include measures to improve access to credit, extension services, and market information. government can also provide incentives for the development of small-scale livestock farming, such as tax breaks and subsidies for inputs and equipment. in addition, policies that promote sustainable land use and conservation can help to ensure the long-term viability of small-scale livestock farming 

agricultural cooperatives and partnerships can help small-scale livestock farmers overcome some of the challenges they face, such as limited access to the market and inputs. By pooling resources and sharing knowledge and expertise, farmers can improve their productivity and profitability cooperation can also provide a platform for farmers to advocate for their interests and influence policy decisions that affect their livelihoods.

in summary, the components and forces involved in the development of small-scale livestock farming include access to resources, supportive policies and regulations, and the role of agricultural cooperation and partnership. by addressing these factors, governments and other factors,  government and other stakeholders can help to promote the growth and sustainability of small-scale livestock farming