Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Mr. Suwilanji Sinyangwe

The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN)
South Africa

Limpopo Basin Development Challenge

The Limpopo is a relatively dry basin and most water in the more productive areas is already claimed. Rainfall is highly variable and in many parts of the basin, there is little run-off with which to produce crops and livestock. The basin is a water-scarce environment in which recurring drought and floods cause devastating impacts on the livelihoods of small-scale, subsistence farmers. However, the more pressing development challenge in these farming systems is the unproductive use of water in the more normal rainfall seasons which are much more prevalent.

This project aimed at having science-based evidence included in—or informing—basin decision-making toward improved small-holder productivity and reduced risk in rainfed agricultural production systems. This was achieved through three main types of activities: 1) research coordination; 2) ongoing engagement with stakeholders (internal and external); and 3) innovation research.


Read more in the attached document.