Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)


Position Paper: Leveraging the Private Sector and Its Best Practices for Agrifood Systems Transformation


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' Call for Submissions highlights a critical need for innovative solutions to address the pressing challenge of transforming our global agrifood systems. Collaborative efforts are urgently required to achieve sustainability, inclusivity, and resilience, as envisioned by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This paper presents a compelling case for the important role of the private sector in driving this transformation, using evidence-based examples and recommendations for FAO's enhanced support frameworks for countries across the globe.

The Power of the Private Sector

When harnessed responsibly, the private sector possesses unique capabilities – resources, innovation, agility, and reach – that can propel agrifood systems transformation. Companies can integrate sustainability into core business models, influence supply chains, and foster inclusive approaches. Notably, Morination Agricultural Products' leadership demonstrates the potential for significant impact, exemplifying responsible investment and women's economic empowerment within Southeast Asia (SEA).

Morination Agricultural Products: A Sustainability and Food Champion Responds to the UN Global Compact's Call to Business Action

Morination is an example of a private sector leader championing sustainability in agriculture. Their actions as Lead Organization of the UN Global Compact Philippine Private Sector Champions Pillar's Zero Hunger Champions, leading 50 organizations towards food systems transformation while also supporting 5000 growers, showcase effective implementation of the ASEAN Guidelines for Responsible Agri Investments and the OECD's Responsible Supply Chains in SEA. Morination has just been awarded the distinguished 2024 AGORA Award for Advocacy Marketing of the UN SDGs for its “Road to Zero Hunger and Food Systems Transformation” Campaign. 

Key elements of Morination's best practices include:

  • Investment in Sustainable Practices: Prioritizing environmentally responsible production and ESG mechanisms in the supply chain that conserve resources and promote biodiversity and community and livelihood development.
  • Women's Economic Empowerment: Empowering women farmers through training, access to resources, and decision-making roles to foster greater equity and drive transformation.
  • Market-based Solutions: Developing market linkages that create value for smallholder farmers and incentivize the adoption of sustainable production.
  • Collaborative Partnerships: Building alliances with diverse stakeholders, including government, civil society, and international bodies, to amplify the impact.

These practices underscore the feasibility and benefits of responsible private sector engagement in driving agrifood systems' transformation.

Recommendations for Enhanced FAO Support

To maximize private sector contributions, the FAO can implement the following strategies:

  1. Promote Best Practice Sharing: Establish knowledge platforms facilitating case studies of successful private sector models like Morination's initiative. Sharing strategies and results would inspire broader private sector adoption of sustainable practices.
  2. Policy and Guidance Frameworks: Collaborate with governments to develop policies that incentivize responsible private sector investments and align with international sustainability standards.
  3. Capacity Building Initiatives: Support capacity development programs for smallholder farmers and agri-businesses, fostering sustainable and inclusive practices that align with Morination's women's economic empowerment approach in agricultural trade and commerce.
  4. Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: FAO may facilitate active alliances between governments, the private sector, civil society, and farmers' organizations.

Women's Economic Empowerment: A Key Focus Area

Morination's Co-leadership of the Women's Economic Empowerment for the Philippines Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture highlights a crucial aspect of agrifood transformation. The upcoming Women's Summit will focus on a session exploring FAO's governance, which underscores the need for gender-sensitive frameworks in food systems transformation, where participants will also be asked how FAO may effectively catalyze far-reaching positive impacts on food systems by prioritizing women's economic empowerment, inclusive decision-making, and reducing gender-based inequalities. The results of this session will be forwarded in another Call for Submission Paper to FAO’s Global Forum.


Morination's initiatives illustrate that the private sector has an indispensable role in achieving the UN’s agrifood systems transformation goals. By leveraging private sector capabilities, FAO can accelerate lasting progress towards greater sustainability, resilience, and inclusivity within agrifood systems globally.