Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum)

Jeffrey Klein

The Global FoodBanking Network
United States of America

With regard to points 5 and 6, I believe it is critical to acknowledge and quantify with respect to point 5, the amount of food waste that CANNOT or IS NOT recovered and re-distributed because of the following policies many/most countries have in place


1) Lack of or unfavorable good samaritan laws relating to insulation donors who provide food fit for human consumption

2) Lack of or inadequate tax policy allowing for full and complete tax deductibility of PRODUCT and/or CASH DONATIONS to food banks

3) Any VAT or VAT-like tax that is levied on the value of surplus food items to food banks.


This data should be used to proactively make the case for changes to all relevant aspects of points 1-3 where the necessary conditions for full and enthusiastic participation in and support of food banks is compromised by lack of these structural incentives.